Bitch is Smart

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Guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long while. Let me tell you something though; while I was waiting for my grades, I started getting really great story ideas right? And I didn't want to forget them so I wrote them down.

What you need to know is that I'm a really impatient person and I'm unable to focus on just one thing. I get bored easily. So, I started like five different stories all at the same time and now I just can't write them all. Obviously, I'm not going to upload them until I'm finished with this one so don't worry.

Anyways, here's the rest of the story. 

I stare at her blankly.


The Katelynne. 

No no no no no! This can't be! Why do these things always happen to me? Why is she here? She's going to ruin what I have with Kellin, the bitch!

"Hello?" Katelynne asks as she waves a petite hand in front of my face.

I blink once as I force my brain to focus on her. I mustn't freak out just yet. Maybe she forgot something here from when she used to live with Kellin. Wait, did they live together or not?! Oh God! I don't know anything anymore.

"May ask what this is about?" I smile politely once again. This bitch better watch what she says or I just might rip that impossibly shiny hair out her head faster than she can breathe.

Katelynne looks down slowly and rubs her flat stomach. I realize it was something she had gotten used to doing in time, just like pregnant women do when the baby starts growing. "It's private," she whispers. 

I'm about to tell her that anything she has to say to Kellin, she can say to me since I'm dating him but I bite my tongue like a caveman. No one needs to find out about us. No one, not even his ex- even though it would tear her to pieces.

"Sure, come on in. I'll get Kellin." I move aside to make room for her to pass. I leave her there to close the door and find her way around. 

What?! I might not have put her in a coma yet but that doesn't mean I'm going to go ahead and play doorman for her!

I stroll into the kitchen once again, a horrified expression on my face, and find that Rachel managed to drag her already-made-up-self downstairs. Everyone turns to stare at me as I just stood in the middle of the noisy room, scratching my arm awkwardly. I was staring blankly at the cabinets hanging on the wall on the other side of the room, thinking about how Katelynne is going to fuck this all up.

Kellin stands up abruptly and came to stand in front of me. His face is the definition of concerned as he continues to stare at me, just like anyone else. Those beautiful gray eyes I've grown to love so much search my own but I still refused to focus. Kellin's hands ran down my arms in a comforting manner, bringing me back to the reality I wasn't ready to face.

"Ri? What's wrong?" Kellin asks as his beautiful endless eyes stayed glued to mine.

"There's someone in the living room who wants to see you," I gulp like a coward. Everyone looked confused as hell as Kellin let go of me hastily and walked away.

I knew his friends and Rachel wanted to follow him as they all stare at me for permission. Since I was as curious as them, I nodded and started my way towards Katelynne's direction. Everyone threw everything out of their way as they shuffled out of the kitchen, trying to stuff themselves out of the doorway all at once.

I peeked around the wall, only to be greeted by Kellin's shocked face. He was staring at something Katelynne was holding. I walked closer, trying not to spy so much. Curiosity was getting the best of me, I couldn't help myself.

I Hate My Match (Kellin Quinn Fanfic) UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now