"I'm not the one needing to say sorry!" Harry snapped.

"I'm not apologizing for hanging out with a girl. I'm not sorry that I spent a day forgetting how deeply in love-" I cleared my throat, "A day of forgetting everything - responsibility and worries - so I could enjoy myself."

"In love? With who? Heather? I'm pretty sure you two have kissed." Harry scoffed.

I looked at the floor. He's right, we have.

"See. I knew it! Well guess what lover boy," Harry came close to my face, "You'll never be together. We're leaving soon."

"We've been here for 3 days." 

"We leave in 11."

"Well, just so you know I only kissed her so she'd stop-" I stopped. 

Everything happened because I love Harry.  I can't tell him.

"Stop what?"

"Why should I even say? You've only been mean to me."

"Because if you care about our friendship-"

"Don't give me that bullshit.-"

"So our friendship is bullshit-"

"Let me finish, will you?"

My phone buzzed on my bed.

Harry - closest to it - reached over and snatched it up.

"Give me my phone." I tried.

He held it away, "Hey Louis. When do you want to make plans?" Harry read outloud.

"Harry!" I pleaded.

"Plans for what?" He asked.

"What does it matter to you? It's not like I'm cheating on anyone. It's not like it would effect you in anyway." I said taking my phone from him.

Typing in  not tomorrow but the day after. Starbucks at 12. xx

"Louis. I think I'm done with our friendship. You're obviously over it too."

I did a double take.

"I think it'd be best if we didn't share a room." He said quietly.

"I'm going to bed. In this bed here, " Pointing to the bottom bunk, "Because it's 2am and I'm dragging. If you want me out, I'm out. I'll move out tomorrow. Night."

I climbed in the cold bed and fell asleep.

Friendship? Yeah right.


I woke up to an empty room. Harry was somewhere else.

I knew I had to move out into the guest bedroom.

Niall would help, so I went to his room.

"Ni? Could you help me move my stuff to the guest bedroom?"

"Sure." He said. No questions asked.

We went to the room and Niall went to the bathroom to get things, while I tackle the closet. 

I was shoving my clothes in my suitcase, when the door closed.

After jumping in terror, I tried to open the door - which wouldn't budge.

It locked from outside. It must be jarred.

I pounded the door shouting for Niall. When he unlocked it I lifted my suitcase up and carried it, following Niall.

Seven Minutes in Heaven [Larry Stylinson] {Completed}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz