Explanation and Introduction

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So, I decided I wanted to write a Gene Vincent Fanfiction because I have a lot of time on my hands and I love his music. If you don't know who Gene Vincent is you're missing out. He was one of the most influential figures in rock and roll and to this day many people are still influenced by his music. He only truly had one big hit and that was the song Be-Bop-a-Lula. It's been covered by many artists, mostly in live performances, and is considered one of the best examples of early rockabilly. He had many other great songs including Say Mama, Race With the Devil, Bop Street, Lotta Lovin', Cat Man, and the song that the title of this story was taken from. Gene Vincent wrote and recorded The Day the World Turned Blue during his later career for album of the same name. The Day the World Turned Blue showed how beautifully Gene Vincent sang even when he wasn't as popular as he had been. He died in 1971 after considerable personal hardship.
This is sorta gonna be a what if story. You'll find out why when you read it.
I hope you enjoy this Fanfiction. It's an awfully odd one, I know, but there's plenty of Elvis Presley and Beatles Fanfictions. Let's write some for some other rock and roll singers!

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