Wow This is Just.....WoW

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*I want to say one thing....IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED, DO NOT READ! I apologize to all who are not of color, because this may hurt you. But if you are not in any SHAPE OR FORM A RACIST, please don't feel hurt by this.....I just wanted to state my opinion, and yes I am a Luke girl.....*sigh* I don't feel like getting shit for this......But read on if your not easily butt hurt my crazies*

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"Hello Bitches! If Yall reading this is my main(s) Yall already know who you is. If you wanna my readers, you my main, if you vote or comment, you my main, if you just read, you my main. But if not, and you a Luke girl....Who's a RACIST, then bitch this shit for you!"

Dear Racist Sluts,
Your no lip having asses (oops) need to back the fuck up! I hate racist groupies, so just stay, because you gonna try to walk out like you the shit, and you ain't got no ass. (Oops) Further more, I love my BAE. Bye Hoe- I mean bye!


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