To Build a Home || Calum Hood a.u

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Title: To Build a Home || Calum Hood a.u

Author: ksstories

Genre: fanfiction

Summary:"Let me explain it to you like this: You have planets, and then you have moons. The moon evolves around the planet; the planet is the only thing the moon has. The planet is the thing that keeps the moon going, and without it, the moon is just stuck in the same, dark place. That's how I feel about Jake. He was the planet, and I was the moon, and now that he's gone, I'm just completely and utterly lost."


Calum is just a broken, depressed mess, but maybe all he needs is someone as broken as he is to make his life what it once was: beautiful.

Anything About You: I love "Will Grayson, Will Grayson" very much (just basically John Green tbh)

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