Wiered dosent begin to cover it

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This is what em is wearing

Chapter 12

Shit.shit. Oh wait one more thing shit. I was currently late for my second day of college and it was for one of the lessons I was looking forward to. Photography.

I was late because I was looking for my own camera, I hadn't unpacked many boxes but there was one left. Oh found you. I also slept in I was thinking to much about that letter I need to find out who it could be from so I thought I could go to the library early in the morning but over slept

I put my shoes on and ran down the stairs to meet Harry. Oh yeah he's already gone! I sat there on the steps out side the pack house, then I done the thing I thought I would never do in my life. Call Cameron.

"Come on pick up pick up"

"Hello?" he asked confused

"Hi " I said overly perkier

"Who ever you are what have you done with Hope?"

"Ha-ha very funny Alpha douche bag"

"Okay maybe it is you"

"Yeah it is and because I'm like the new pack member and you are the alpha I would like to ask of a favour"

"What is that?"

"I need a lift to college its my second day and I'm already late please it's a subject I'm looking forward to and I know you are home so please for today be my night in shining armour" I say sucking up to him.

"I like the sound of that, Ill be out side in two minutes tops" he said and hung up.

We were currently in the jeep on the way to college, and it was a bit awkward.

"Thank you again"

"Its fine Hope honestly, I'm enjoying being your night in shining armour" he says joking

"Oh shut up"

"So as your night what do I get as a token of gratitude?"

"Uh me being kind of nice to you for maybe a day"

"That wasn't what I was thinking but its good enough for me "we were at the college and I didn't even let him park I jumped out of the Jeep and shouted a thank you I ran down the corridor and busted into the Photography room and everyone looked at me. You know when everyone is secretly judging you and you have now been ladled as the late one yep that's how I felt.

"Why are you late!" old women shouted at me from her desk at the top of the classroom.

"Sorry I was late I was looking for my camera it was in bokes as I have just moved here and...."

"Oh so you are the new wolf" the old lady interrupted me and said wolf with disgust, I knew I didn't like this women. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Alison smirking at my disadvantage.

"So?" I say challenged her

"Of course you are cocky and you think you're the best so you think you can be late to my lesson and wont suffer consciences as everyone else" she rants

"Actually no, I deserve punishment I was late and if anyone else was late you would do the same to them I don't want to be singled out just because I'm the new wolf. As you would put it" I say and the women was gob smacked her mouth even hanged open a little but every one was shocked and amazed that someone has stood up to the women.

"Well I guess I could let you off with a warning " she said handing me a book and moving back to her desk. I looked down at the book and saw it was a beginner's book to photography

"Um miss aren't we going to take photos?" I ask

"No today is a reading lesson" she didn't look up from her book

"But surely we will learn more form actually doing something?"

"If you have a problem with the way I teach my lesson take it up with the head I don't need your rudeness little wolf" she says

That was it I was losing it all I could see was red there was a banging in my ear and I was shaking uncontrollably, I breathe in and out slowly. Come on hope you cant show them what you are not now.

"Maybe I will..." I turn around chucking the book in the trash and walking out of the room.

As I was walking out of the college I heard a strong base from the music department, I went to the room and saw that it was a bunch of students performing in the adutiroume it was good. They were singing 'worth it' by fifth harmony I think. It was good.

"Oh hello hope" I heard my music teacher say

"Hey can I sit in and watch?"

"Yeah sure, did you not like photography?"

"Its not photography if you aren't actually taking photos" I say as she laughs at me and I sit there and watch students until lunch.

"There you are!" I heard Emily say from beside me I turned around to see I very pretty Emily, she wore black lace crop top with high waited denim shorts, she also had a black and red checked shirt tied around her waits she paired it with high thigh black boots a gold necklace and red lipstick. She looked hot I would total wear it.

"Wow hottie who you dressing up for?" I ask as she approaches me

"None, I just got some new clothes, we like?" she said turning around

"We love" I say, "Where can I get those boots?"

"Top shop maybe " I nod "any way where have you been!!! I heard you walked out of photography"

"Oh yeah it was bull crap we weren't doing anything"

"Is that so?" I heard another voice say from behind me I turn around to see harry.

"Yeah that is so. And you left me you where supposed to take me to college I had to get a ride with Cameron in the end!!!"

"I know I'm sorry ... but I was running late"

"Yeah whatever" I wave him off and turn around to Emily.

"Hey I'm Harry," he says offering his hand to her she took it with a raised eyebrow

"I'm Emily" but the one thing I couldn't help but realize is that he couldn't stop staring at her, it was like he was mesmerized. Emily looked down at the floor trying to avoid his eyes so I took hold of the situation.

"Cool you've been introduced em and me are going to get food see you later harry" I grab her arm and walk off with her. "Are you okay?" I ask her once we were alone.

"Yeah he just kept staring at me it was wired," she whispered as I laughed

"Wired doesn't begin to cover it Hun"

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