PART 1: chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"It's my real hair, I got it from my mother" I said quietly before turning around and going back to my book. I felt someone tug on my hair causing me to yelp as I spun around.

"Oh look at that, she was telling the truth. She must be white or something, I mean look at her. No ones skin is that light" Britney said sniggering at me,

"Maybe she bleaches it" Amada added causing them all to laugh.

"Do you Beyoncé? do you bleach your skin?" Shontelle asked as she supressed her laughter.

"No" I said before turning around once again and attempting to get back to my book and ignore their comments about me. They did this every morning, they made fun of my hair, my ears, my skin and my face. They called me a fat ass and poked me non stop and all I ever did was ignore them and that's the way its supposed to be because I live by the Bible. Oh that sounds like something Michelle would say but its true, In a way I could turn around and say a whole load of mean things to them and justify it with the bible, an eye for an eye, that's what the old testament said but then Jesus came along and explained that just because someone does something to you does not  mean you can do it to them, God will do that for you. I'm just waiting for God to do something before Kelly does.

"Guys look! She can read!" Shontelle said and the entire bus erupted in laughter while I sat in silence, not to far from school now.

"Telle!" I heard someone shout, "Leave the girl alone damn, it's been like this every day since we started this year and that was last month. No! You did it last year too, and the year before that!  stop being a bitch!" The person yelled, I was far to scared to turn my head to see who it was but it sounded like a girl and I could just about recognise the voice. I had to look, I had to say thank you. I turned around and saw Nicki and Shontelle looking at each other angrily, Nicki was one of Shontelle's friends and had been for as long as I can remember. She looked at me and I mouthed thank you, she smiled weakly then sat down and looked out the window away from shontelle.

"Damn nick, when did you start to care about charity" Shontelle said but no one laughed this time, instead Nicki turned to her and shook her head.

"Telle, I honestly don't know what Shawn sees in you." She announced before standing up and only then did I notice that the bus had stopped, I grabbed my things quickly in attempt to rush of the bus and as I stood up I saw the evil glares from every direction and rushed down the bus to the front.

"Have a good day Beyoncé" The bus driver said as I made my way down the steps,

"You too Sam, thank you" I quickly said before getting out of the bus and walking over to the school building to meet Kelly and Michelle inside like I did every morning. I heard the commotion of people in the corridors. The jocks were throwing a football down the hall and the nerds were at Dylan's locker all looking at something on a computer he had in there. The geeks were all walking down the hall with books in they're noses before the footballers came and nocked them to the ground and walked of laughing. But then as usual the basketball team would come and help them pick up their things before continuing with their business, the sporty girls travelled in groups down the hall as couples were pushed up against walls kissing. I walked down the halls until I reached my locker, I tucked my hair behind my ear before looking to the right of me and seeing the usual every day sight. The kids in the halls parted like the read sea as Shontelle walked down with a boys arm wrapped around her shoulder and the other girls all trailing behind her laughing. She gave me her sinister smirk before walking off down the hall and allowing the previous commotion to continue.

"Kelly stop crying" I heard Michelle's voice say behind me, I rolled my eyes and turned around to see Kelly crying as usual.

"What is it now?" I asked her laughing slightly,

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