Eclipse pushed himself up with a supporting hand on the glass. Are you done?

"Not quite," Nightshade said curtly. "But if I go any further I might end up killing you."

You broke deals as well, Nightshade, but I will not throw my anger at you like a child.

"I broke my end of the bargain because you broke yours first," the vigilante argued. "How can I just sit back and relax as you endanger not only your own people, but my own people as well?"

It is not our error that you have failed to disclose your companion's relations to General Gray's daughter.

"You shouldn't have been going after her in the first place! Not only is it utterly stupid to catch General Gray's attention, but also fucking dangerous!"

We WANTED his attention. The next intergalactic exploration MUST. NOT. PUSH. THROUGH.

"I'm not the exploration's biggest fan either, but to risk the entire rebellion's exposure is not worth the sacrifice," Nightshade pressed. "These people are your family. You have picked each other up from the damn ground and have built this place together and you will risk their lives for a shaky plan with an even shakier outcome? I am so fucking disappointed in you."

The plan would have worked had you not interfered.

Nightshade scoffed, throwing his arms up in the air out of frustration. "You are so damn dense! Let me tell you exactly why your little plan will never work."

Eclipse lifted his head, the beak of his mask tilting upwards, as if to say, give it your best shot.

Raising a hand, Nightshade ticked off fingers while speaking. "First of all, Coraline is always on lock down. There is a reason why she has never been kidnapped before, and it's not for a lack of trying. Second, your plan was shitty and your soldiers lack finesse. Whoever's training them has been slacking off big time. And lastly..." Nightshade trailed off, pausing. "General Gray always puts his country first. Threatening his daughter will not stop the intergalactic exploration at all."

Eclipse didn't question how Nightshade knew these things. It was a well-established fact that Nightshade was a citizen of Alpha, maybe someone who used to be in the army with his equipment, and currently someone who held a bit of influence. That was a probable explanation for keeping his identity secret: A high class citizen being associated with a rebellion would lead to a death penalty.

Seeing that Eclipse wasn't going to speak anymore, Nightshade took the opportunity to taunt the man. "If you had told me what you wanted and why you wanted it, I could have helped you. But no, you decide to go behind my back."

Eclipse gave Nightshade his back, turning to face the glass instead. You are not privy to all our intel, nor do I have the duty to inform you of all our plans. For all we know, you are a spy.

Nightshade barked a dark laugh. "You actually fucking dare —"

"Okay," Knox cut-in, stepping forward from where he stood with Dawn. If he didn't interfere, Nightshade was going to throw more punches. "This is going nowhere."

Eclipse seemed to stiffen at his voice, but slowly turned back around to face him anyway. Knox couldn't help but feel like the man didn't like him, and often wondered if one day he wouldn't be able to walk away from the man's presence alive. (Assuming he was a man under that mask, at least.)

"So this is what we're gonna do," Knox continued, moving to stand in-between Nightshade and Eclipse. "Since you both broke parts of your stupid promises to each other, you're going to call it even. Then you," he emphasised, turning to look at Eclipse. "Are going to stop hunting for my fiancé, because I can assure you that's a futile effort. You can't stop the exploration with that."

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