But I'm sure you all know that, what you really want to know is why we won't tell you who we really are!'

Good?" Kitty says dramatically

"Perfect!" Snitch applauds.

"We should get changed into our costumes now then." Moony suggests.

We change and soon enough we're at Hogwarts.

"Ok, we walk up to the door Snitch and Kitty throw open both doors then we walk in dramatically, I'll say the stuff and Moony will cast the spell that makes glitter rain from the sky, got it?" I quickly explain before we sneak into Hogwarts.

Sneaking into Hogwarts was surprisingly easy, especially since we had the map. Now Peeves was going to help with this whole shebang too by keeping everyone inside the hall before we got their. We had decided that after McGonagall did the sorting we would announce it.

"Ready?" I ask excitedly.

"Ready!" I get back from all the girls. Now, time to put our plan into action.

Time skip....

A half hour later we were in and standing outside the great hall.

"Alright everyone know the plan?" I ask for the third time. We were all crazy nervous you could tell.

"Let's do this." Kitty says slightly shaking.

We got into our little formation thing and put the plan into action.

Snitch and Kitty threw open the doors open and we walked in like queens. Once we got up to Dumbledore's pedestal I quickly covered up my nervousness.

"Ladies and gentlemen of all houses we have some very exciting news for you! We are the masquerades!

But I'm sure you all know that, what you really want to know is why we won't tell you who we really are!" I say dramatically,

"Well, this is our true identity!" With that We all make ourselves look like our real selves and Moony cast the spell.

"You've got detention for-" McGonagall started saying but she got cut off by Dumbledore's clapping,

"Impressive girls, you hid it quit well. I will not give you any detention due to you didn't actually hurt any students and I will also give you 30 points for your house!" Dumbledore finishes his little speech.

"Thank you!" I yell out loudly and we take a bow. Then, then we all grab some food from the tables and bolt.

We get to our dorms and immediately burst out laughing.

"I can't believe we did that! We've been up to that four six years! And now we don't have to be so secretive and careful!" Moony yiped in excitement.

"You do realize tonight we have to do a back to school prank right?" I giggled.

"Of course!" Replied kitty.

"Duh!" Snitch agreed with kitty.

"What should we do?" Moony being the only logical person in this conversation.

"Good question, we'll think of something!" I answered Moony's question.

"What about we blast a sort of back to school song at lunch tomorrow?" Suggests Snitch.

"Yeah! And then we could make silly string fall from the ceiling!" Added kitty.

"Oh! And we could charm McGonagall's hat to say stuff!" Moony was finally getting into the whole prank in shebang which was good because her ideas were great!

Sapphire Black, Daughter of Lucy and Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now