Morning Curse

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Nico's POV
I woke up to my alarm clock going off. Cursing under my breath, I rolled over looking at it. Breakfast time. Maybe I'll just skip it? I looked down at my naked chest and immediately thought otherwise. I'm to skinny. I sighed and sat up. A long day is ahead of me, I can tell. I shivered and goose bumps started to form on my arms and legs. Weird. I thought, my cabin coldness normally doesn't bother me. I shook my head not giving the coldness a second thought. I brushed my teeth and attempted to tame my messy hair. After about ten minutes I gave up and went to get dressed. When I opened my dresser drawer I froze. I pick up a shirt and look at it. It's not my shirt. It's colorful and not black. I checked my pants and same thing, not one bit of black clothing. I decide since I can't walk around naked, to wear then darkest thing in the drawers. That leaves me in dark blue pants and green shirt. I don't feel right in my skin anymore. I'm gonna' kill those Stoll brothers if this is one of they're pranks.

I stormed up to the Stoll's cabin and knocked loudly. One of their brothers answered the door. I was confused, he was dressed in classy clothes and his hair was parted. "Yes?" He asked. I shook out of my confusion and remembered what I came to do. "Is Travis and Conor here". He holds up a finger and leaves into the cabin. A few seconds later Travis and Connor come around the corner. They were both dressed nice and they're hair was actually parted, just like their brother. Then I remembered my outfit and looked down, immediately filling with anger. "Did you to pull one of your stupid pranks and change all of my clothes?!" They looked confused but I was going to find whoever done this and literally kill them. "No, why would we pull a prank?" They said the work prank with disgust. Then they said something that made the world turn upside down. ''We bid you good day" and left. What's going on?

I decided to see if anything else weird was going on and walked past the Athena cabin. Just as I was about to pass it I heard yelling and see a Annabeth run out. I was stunned. She had the same hair except it wasn't in a ponytail, it was down and straight. She was in all black. This isn't the Annabeth I know. "Annabeth?" Her head snapped around and she glared at me. "What do you want runt?!" She asked codly. "W-was that you yelling?" Her eyes seemed even more mad than before, if that was even possible. "Yea it was, why does it matter!" She wasn't who she was supposed to be. The Annabeth I know, we all know isn't the girl standing in front of me. "Percy broke up with me! I have a reason to yell!" And she stormed of. Part of me lit up and part of me was confused. Why would Percy break up with Annabeth? I mean, the old one. Not this one. I need to find Percy and see what in the Hades is going on.

On my way to find Percy I run into Leo. I mean literally ran into him. I fell onto the ground and looked up at him. "Watch where your goin' dumbass", and then he popped a piece of gun into his mouth. I got up off the ground and wiped of the dirt. Weird. I thought, although my entire morning has been nothing but weird. As I continue to find Percy I see Piper glaring at Jason. Piper was wearing a pink dress and white heels. Her hair was done perfectly along with her makeup. Jason on the other hand, looked like the weird nerdy kid no one talked to. "S-sorry" he said to her. She scoffed. "Sorry? Sorry doesn't fix my nail!" She yelled and grabbed his golden rimmed glasses of his face and broke them in half. She smiled, pleased with herself and walked away with a bunch of other Aphrodite girls following her. I walk up to Jason and helped him up. I handed him his glasses. He looked surprised to see me. "You okay?" I ask. He nods and walks of quickly but quietly. That's weird, Jason is my friend.

Finally I make it to the Posiden cabin and see a tall guy standing outside. He has shaggy black hair, but his back is turned towards me so I can't see his face. He's wearing clothes that I would normally wear. He turns around and I instantly know who it is, Percy. "Nico?" He looked me up and down and I could feel the heat rush to my face. He just smirked. "I've never seem you in anything other than black..." He trailed of and looked at his own clothing. It was my turn to smirk so I did. "Uh yea.." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly "it's been a, weird, morning". Then he looks back at me. "Do you know what's going on?". I shake my head. "All I know is I woke up with different clothes in my dresser and everyone acting weird." Then it clicked. We need to go see Chiron, maybe he knows what's going on.

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