Chapter 6

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Sidney's POV

I looked down at my phone and saw that Kris had yet again text me. All my time has been spent helping Kris lately. I ignored the text and decided to go for a quick workout. After lifting a few weights and running on the treadmill I went to get a drink. As I was walking around I bumped into a girl.

"Sorry." She whispered.

"It's ok. I should have looked." She looked up at me and smiled. "I'm Sidney."

"Louisa." I smiled back and she shook my hand. "So, Crosby, why are you hanging out by the personal trainer sign up sheet?" She asked. I wasn't so shocked when she knew who I was but on the other hand she acted like she didn't know me, I liked that.

"Um, I was just getting my drink. What are you doing here?" If she needed a personal trainer I could probably get her a better one than the guys who work here.

"I'm looking to see how many classes I have. Yeah, I'm a personal trainer." I was completely shocked. She didn't look like one. "But it looks like I'm done for a good few hours."

"Why don't you come and work out with me?" I asked making her smile.

"I'd love that." She sweetly replied. We walked to the mats and she asked if I could help her with sit ups. I held the both of her feet flat on the mat and she looked up at the ceiling. "I know that this is going to sound weird but I need you to continue to talk to me throughout this. You see, when I'm on the treadmill or jogging with a client I need to keep speaking to them so it helps." She asked making me nod. I had to think of things to speak to her about.

"I've got an idea. Im just going to ask you questions. When you come up, you have to hold until you answer the question fully." I suggested. She nodded and I thought of a question. "Is personal training your main job?"

"No, I'm also a carer for disabled children and the elderly." Okay, wow, that makes her 100x more attractive.

"How many siblings do you have?"

"4 brothers." Fuck me, four brothers?! That must be intense.

"Okay, um, favourite sport?"

"I don't really have one."

"Brothers names."

"Bradley, Joseph, Caleb and Keegan." She did four sit ups each time she said one of her brothers names. "3 more questions ok?"

"Sure, favourite film?"

"Peter Pan. Don't judge." I laughed and she smiled.

"Place you want to visit."


"Finally, thing that annoys you the most."

"Beauty or make up videos on YouTube." I looked at her confused but agreed that it was my turn to choose something. I chose a simple workout on the treadmill and Louisa stood next to me on another one. We turned them on the same speed and started to run.

"Why do make up videos annoy you?" I asked because I was super curious. Like, that's a new one.

"Because, when my niece was learning how to do make up she would look on YouTube and we couldn't afford anything special but they would be using these expensive products and stuff and she got upset. It's something stupid but I don't think that most people realise some people can't afford stuff." I laughed and we ran faster. I looked over at her and she didn't look out of breath.

"How are you not out of breath yet?" I asked because most of the guys wouldn't be able to keep up with her right now.

"I have to talk and run. It's kinda in the job description." I nodded and looked up at the clock. I turned my treadmill off and Louisa did the same thing but had a disappoint look on her face. "Giving up already?" She asked making me laugh.

"You wish. I promised my friend that I would help him out."

"Oh yeah? Does your friend happen to be Kris Letang?" I nodded and she laughed. "So is he actually dating her?"

"Not that I'm aware of. That's why I need to go and help him. Apparently they had a meeting today and she stormed out because his agent wasn't listening to her."

"Damn, I enjoyed that session. I'm gunna miss you as a workout buddy." She complained making me laugh. I gave her my number and she gave me hers before I left and drove over to Kris'. He better be grateful for this.

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