I Thought We Were Camping?

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Knowing about the supernatural isn't exactly easy. It can put you into some very dangerous situations. For example, your brother telling you you're going camping, but instead, driving to Mexico to save Derek Hale. Needless to say, it was an awkward car ride. Mostly because I was still a little uncomfortable with the whole supernatural thing. So being crammed into a tiny Jeep with a: banshee, werecoyote, kitsune, and a werewolf; wasn't exactly the highlight of this trip. But I understand why Scott didn't want me to find out: 1. because he didn't think I could handle it and the most important reason.. Allison.. Scott didn't want what happened to her happened to me too. So before Argent left with Isaac to France, I asked him to train me. I wanted to be exactly like Allison, strong and brave. I'm never going to be as good as her, but I'm getting there.

A/N: there's going to be a little bit of a time skip.

So apparently Kate Argent is back from the dead. "Guess what????" shes a were jaguar now. She's the one who took Derek, took him and turned him young again so she could trick him into opening the Hale vault. So here's a long story short. Derek left after Kate didn't get what she wanted from him. Which was an ancient talisman called a Triskelion to help her control the shift. Peter showed up to fight Kate, but someone else broke into the vault and stole money from Peter's safe. After that Derek help Scott, Malia, Kira, and yours truly fight off these beast like creatures called berserkers. I then decided to show off some of my new skills. Turned out being good at lacrosse makes you skilled with a sword, not without difficulty of course. Kira and I were slashing them with our swords. Scott And Malia with their claws, but nothing seem to be working. All of a sudden young Derek came swooping in, taking them both on at once. As Derek was fighting those two berserkers, you could see him slowly changing back to his old self. He had managed to scare them off in the process. I suddenly felt relieved. Not only was Derek back to his old self, the berserkers along with Kate had disappeared. Now The only thing I have to worry about was that I have school and lacrosse tryouts tomorrow.

All for the Love of a Werewolf. (Liam Dunbar and Brett Talbot fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now