Chapter 3

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I regained consciousness, I could smell that smell where it's really clean, like a hospital, wait, am I in hospital? I looked around and saw mum asleep with her head on my bed, Beau and Luke where sleeping on the chairs on the other side of me, but I couldn't see Jai, where was he? Just then Jai walked in with a packet of prawn cocktail crisps and a drink of orange. He didn't notice I was awake so I decided to play a trick on him. I closed my eyes and stayed still I could hear him sit down and taking a sip of juice, PRIME TIME TO LAUNCH THE PRANK! I sat up really fast and made a zombie-ish sound, I din't think it would work but he screamed like a little girl and jumped so his juice went all over his shirt, He woke everyone up. 

"WHAT THE HELL RUBY!" Jai shouted

"HAHAHAHA..I...HAHAHAHA"I couldn't contain my laughter

"Jai! look at the state of your shirt!"Mum said

"What?! It's Ruby's fault!" 

"I'm pretty sure It wasn't" Mum said laughing and signalling me a wink meaning she knew what happened.

Meanwhile Luke and Beau were wetting themselves because of Jai screaming like a girl.

"So why am I in hospital?"I asked

"So you don't remember?" Beau asked

"Remember what?"

"You got beaten up real bad and you rang me to come and get you but you passed out, so I brought you here and you've been unconscious ever since." Beau replied

"I don't remember.." 

"That's fine honey, the doctors said you might not remember what happened, But you might be glad you don't remember it, it was awful what happened to you."

 Hearing what they've told me I really don't want to remember what happened that night. Then a doctor walked in knowing I was awake

"Ah, Ruby how are you feeling?"

" wrist is sore"

"That's because it's sprained. Don't worry it will be fine in about 1 week."

"Oh, when can I go home?"

"You can go home today, only if you don't feel tired?"

"I'm fine"

"You can go home then. If there are any problems then I'm sure your mum can help out or just come back." Our mum is a nurse she works at this hospital, so we rarely go to hospital if one of us is hurt, mum can normally sort it out.

Luke and Jai went to Skips house, Beau went to the toilet whilst my mum helped me get sorted.

"Ruby, I need to talk to you about something"Mum said

"Okay, shoot" I replied not thinking much of it, I just wanted to get home

"Honey sit down," I sat down on the bed and mum took hold of my hands with a worried look on her face "When the doctor was wrapping the bandage around your wrist...."Mum started to cry.

"What is it?"

"W-we found....c-c-c-cuts..."She was crying harder now. No they couldn't have, this can't be happening, no ones supposed to know about it. I started crying too 

Beau walked in and knew automatically what we were crying about, he came over sat next to me and hugged us. Mum stopped herself crying and pulled away from Beau, I was still crying into his chest.

"I don't know why you do it Ruby, but I wish you'd have told me, no you souldn't have had to tell me I should have been able to tell from the moment you first did it, I'm a bad mother.." 

"You aren't a bad mother!It's not your fault for this mum, none of your fault.."

"Why did you do it Rubs?" Beau asked concerned

I explained the whole friends situation and Abbie bulling me from day one of the Janoskians. Beau felt it was his fault because of the whole Janoskians thing but I assured him its not It's just Abbie trying to hurt someone. And succeeding. We talked more about it and Beau is going to get Luke, Jai, James and Skip to look out for me at school, Mum wants to have words with my friends mums but I told her if she did it would make things worse, I promised them I wouldn't hang out with them anymore and I'd hang out with Rich.


After having the whole week off school, I needed fresh air so I arranged to meet up with Rich. I had a shower trying not to get my bandage wet and dried my hair, I left my hair down at it's natural self wavy beach style, I put on some light make-up. I got changed into my beach top with my high wasted shorts and coral vans.I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the table.

"Gone to work, have a great day love you!xx"

From Mum

"Gone to work too haha, make sure Luke or Jai talk to James and Skip about the new video idea!:)xx"

From Beau

I made myself some toast. after eating it I walked into Jai and Lukes room but they were still asleep, I grabbed a pen and paper wrote a note too

"Gone to meet up with Rich, Talk to James and Skip about new vid!:)xxx"

From Ruby

I grabbed my phone, put my earphones in and made my way to the park. I saw Rich sat on the swings and as soon as he saw me he was like 

"RUBY! RUBY! HEY RUBY! LOOK GUYS IT'S RUBY!" He shouted scaring some 6 year olds

I told Rich last night on Skype about what happened at the hospital. He told me to sit down on the swing and he said he had a surprise for me, I LOVE surprises, but only good ones though..

He looked into my eyes and started to sing little things by One Direction to me. I started crying because this song makes me cry so much, It's the same as when I listen to "Moments" The whole way through he didn't take his eyes off me. Rich was a brilliant singer, we'd always have jam secession's because I too are a singer, our voices sound great together.When he stopped he gave me a tissue

"I came prepared" he said with a wink, this made me laugh "I sang this because I want to remind you that you are worth It Ruby, don't listen to anyone, they don't matter, all you need is your family." This made me cry even more but he just hugged me until I stopped.

"Thanks Rich, It means a lot, And you sang great!"

"Well I do try." He said flipping his hair making me laugh. The sound of the Ice-cream van surrounded us

"Hey lets go get some Ice-cream!" Rich suggested grabbing my hand running to the Ice-cream van.

HI!:) Hope you like this chapter! I'm not sure where to go with this for the next comment your Ideas and if I use your Idea i'll dedicate it to you!:D So yeah If there are any One Direction fans I hope you like the link I put at the side...I cried watching it...But yeah so Vote:) Comment:) Follow:)

Follow me on twitter @yaanastyy I will follow back:)

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