Chapter 4. At the house

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so we get to sarai's house and wow it's big my house isn't even that big like the stairs are curved, and the kitchen is full of food and you know i love food it's like i can never get away from it so we get there and you know that i told you that my mom and dad started talking about no house parties,no staying up late,and no kissing, and NO DRINKING especially.

"alright bye mom bye dad see you on Saturday Kk bye..bye...bye "

"OK honey bye "

" good that's over now let's have some real fun!!!!!!!!!!!"    

so we just about to go to kitchen when someone rings the bell oh i hope it's not my parents i'm in enough trouble.But good thing it was just the pizza i mean i was getting kinda getting hungry at the moment so after that we get comfy and start watching movies and eating popcorn.

  then it gets real good when the boys go to sleep and we get tooth paste and hot sauce and shaving cream and feathers so we could prank them its going to be soooo funny when they wake up and we are going to dump what and ice on there heads 

" shhhh let's go come on right there on the couch let's do it"

" man really look at my hair now i got to wash it do you know how much dude conditioner i need to use a lot ok you got us the both of you"

" come on Emma lets go get dressed we got stuff to do"

"OK" so do you want to go to the mall or something  yeah we going to chipotle yeah we are just gong to get a bowl and that's it then we going to get our nails done. Are you guys coming or nah like you can just go to the house and play G.T.A

 so like that's the plan and that's the end of that so we go our different ways and we will see you in a few hours. next thing you know they will probably do guy things and more and more more more but when that happens we will be getting a spa so 


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