At first we meet

16 0 0

Foxy's POV

I was walking around the forest enjoying nature in its beautiful state, I was planning to pick some berries for a pie that I was going to myself...oh yeah did I forget to mention that I'm ALONE at the age of 16?? I did? Well I AM my dad left me alone when I was just a baby, I have no idea where the heck my mom is, and as a bonus, my brother, because he's a wolf decided to just leave his ONLY SISTER alone to go join the stupid wolf pack...I've been alone for 15 years now...I'm 16 and I have no friends WHAT SO EVER and I live in a life is just PEACHY KEEN! I wandered around lost in thought as I explain my life story until....

I run into a tree "ouch!" I exclaimed as I feel on my butt
"Dumb tree" I mumbled under my breath, I stood up and looked at the tree
I examined it "must be a strong tree.." I mumbled as I circled the tree like it was my lunch
Oh no
Lunch...I held onto my stomach and I felt it ache, "dang I didn't eat lunch..." I said I looked up at the tree and spotted some delicious grapes, I absolutely LOVE grapes
I could feel my stomach yelling at me to climb the tree so I could get the yummy fruit
So I obeyed my stomach and slowly climbed up the tree, my claws gripped at the tree tight so I wouldn't fall
I slowly climbed up, being super carful not to look down
'Don't look down don't look down don't look down' I said in my head, my ears flopped down as the air flowed threw my fire colored hair, after a while It seemed like I had been climbing for hours, I looked up to see my little nose touching the grapes
I giggled and smiled "oh good! I don't think I could walk another step!" I said as I sat down on a strong branch
I grabbed the grapes and smelled them "they smell like sweetness wrapped in love!" I squealed
I was about to put one of the yummy looking grapes in my mouth when I heard a voice
"H-hello..?" It kinda whispered to me
I flinched because wasn't expecting anyone to be up here in the tree with me
My ears perked up as I turned around I saw a little boy with bright blue wings he was a tan brown with blonde hair and crystal blue eyes that sparkled I gave him a warm smile "hello..what's your name little guy..?" I said as I smiled at him, he kinda didn't speak for a moment 'aw he's shy! How cute~' I cooed in my head
He looked down and fumbled with his fingers, his dark blonde hair covered his big blue eyes and I just waited for him to answer
After about 5 more minutes of silence he finally said something "I-I'm Birdy.." He whispered
I looked at the young boy and smiled
"Cool! I'm Foxy!" I said, Birdy just stared at me then he gave me a toothy grin "t-that's a nice name..." He whispered to me, "how old are you..?" I asked as I looked at him up and down he looked about 10 or 11 I wasn't too sure, Birdy Beamed "I-I'm 14" I said
My eyes widened 14?? He's 14? He's so short! I would never say that to him but...14 wow..."oh!" I said sounding more surprised then I would've liked
Then I realized...Birdy could be my first friend in 15 years...

Birdy's POV

"Oh!" The girl apparently named Foxy said as her ears perked up, she sounded surprised....I looked Down and messed with my fingers more 'why was she surprised..?' Then it hit me, I was short! I'm only 5'0 so she probably thought I was like 12 or 11 go figure....she's very pretty..her fire red hair and her cute light orange ears...wait what?! Is it possible to like a girl the first time I meet her..? I've been alone for so long ever since my parents abandoned me...actually TALKING to someone is nice in general, I looked back up at the girl and she was looking at the clear blue sky, I stared at her for about 10 minutes admiring her short but beautiful red orange hair, and her tail...

Then while I was in my daze into her amazed my hair and her perfect and amazing tail and pretty face, she turned her head and looked into my eyes
I blushed like crazy and I was totally tongue tied! "I-I I I'm s-sorry!! I-I-I was just...." I stuttered, she tilted her head
Crap that's really cute
"What were you doing..?" She questioned while slightly smiling
I blushed super hard and laughed nervously "HAHAHA um what was I-I doing?? I was um....uhhh.....staring.." I mumbled, Foxy giggled "at what?" She wondered, my eyes got wide
She didn't knew what I was staring AT! "The...SKY!!" I said as I pointed to the sky
She looked at me like I was crazy then she laughed "your cute and funny!" She said
C-cute?! She said I was.....she said I was

Thanks for reading the first chapter of this book! Hope you enjoyed it!! Thank you again! 💕💕☺️ please vote, like, and comment! Bai~!!💕🐰

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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