Chapter 10 Love is Awakening, Proposal, and Child

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"...Hey, Eren..." Annie spoke without thinking. She reached over and holds his hand. "I love you..."

"..." Eren of course didn't say anything and didn't of course wake up. But then, Annie felt his hand give a little squeeze. Annie dropped the book and turn to him, expecting his eyes open but they weren't open...asleep. Annie heart drop down and looks away.

"Eren..." she simply said. But then she felt it again...the squeezing of his hand and slowly look at him.

"...Uhhh..." She heard Eren's voice and saw his working eyelid slowly open. "..."

"Eren..." Annie eyes widened. The good eye slowly turns and looks at her.

"...and I love you too..." Eren said as he smiled.

"EREN!" Annie cried out in joy of his awakening. She jumped on him with a bear hug. "Eren! Eren!"

"Annie!" Eren cried out as he hugs her back. "You're back...I'm're alright!"

"You're awake! You're awake!" Annie cried out. "Thank god you're finally awake!"

"Awake?" Eren asked as he pushed away to look at her. "What do you mean 'awake'?"

"You slipped into a coma when you arrived at the hospital." Annie told him.

"A coma...seriously? How long?" Eren asked and Annie felt happy that he was his normal self still.

"About two weeks." Annie said.

"Uh...what's up with my eye? I can't open it." Eren asked as he used his finger to open it. Annie saw that the eye the doctor said would be danger was...fine. It seemed normal and fine.

"The doctors said that it was damaged?" Annie was confused as Eren moved his fingers away and both his eyelids blink over and over again until he stopped and smiled.

"Well...guess he was wrong." Eren told her. He sat up and checked his arms. "My arms are fine as fact...I'm more than fine...I'm great!"

Must be his Titan healing ability...Annie thought.

"Can you stand?" Annie asked him and helped him out of bed. He stood up quickly walked away.

"I feel great!"Eren grinned. But now that he was fine, Annie had a question she needed answering.

"Eren...what happen back at the factory?" Annie asked with a worry tone. She noticed as his grin disappear and looks away. "Eren-"

"I shouldn't have trust Reiner..." Eren said as he looks out the window.

"What do you mean?" Annie asked.

"My father turn Bertholdt into some kind of monster...I helped him return back to normal but then...Reiner came flying out and put a bomb on...Grisha...he killed him." Eren voice was filled with depression. "Where's Reiner now..."

"He's gone...disappeared after what happen in the attack...and Bertholdt too. This is what Mikasa said. Eren, Christa and Ymir are also gone...I know they went with Reiner...there's no other reason." Annie told him. She misses her two friends...the way they just left, disappeared without saying goodbye hurt Annie. But she had to accept it and respect it.

"Where are my clothes?" Eren asked.

"Oh, they're still here in the room...I fixed them...washed them and found..." Annie slowly pulls out a ring; she knew what it was meant for, she now understood where he went that day when she stay at his apartment. "...I found this in the pockets."

"Annie..." Eren said as he walked up to her and grabs the ring.

"I'm guessing it was supposed to be a surprise." Annie joked.

(Eren X Annie Book 2) Hurry Up and Save MeWhere stories live. Discover now