Chapter 4

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After delirious left I walked to my room thinking about him but something caught my eye, a swift movement. A debate went on in my head whether to go or not, it was difficult but in the end I let curiosity kill me and I went.
I walk, listening to the sound of my silent footsteps. "Where did the movement go?" I thought leaning my back against the wall behind me. Bad move..
The second I did a low moan erupted from a door to the right of me. "Craig.." someone else moaned out. Craig? Does he mean mini? WAIT HE?!?!?!? I listen closer, "Ty-yler har-rder.." Craig moaned loudly. TYLER?!?! Oh dear I shouldn't slay any longer! Silently I run away from the door meeting another one. Safe!.. NOPE! NOT EVEN CLOSE!
"Lui!" Nogla moaned out followed by another one. ARE ALL MY FRIENDS HOOKING UP?!? Lucky bastards I guess? Well I had enough of accidently hearing my friends having sexy fun time, I'm going to my room like the loner I am. Walking to the room didn't take as long as it did walking out of it I'm kind of glad by that. I don't think I'll heal from this.. I couldn't help laughing at how this scarred me. Off to bed I go before another moan pops up!

The next day...

I wake up feeling strangely good instead of out of energy. Sitting up I grab the calendar to my side and check the date, Delirious said I only had till the end of the month to remember who he was. "I only have three days? That fucker did it just to tease me! He knows I don't know him." I yell to myself. Why lead someone on like that? Bastard. Forget it I'm busy right now. Walking out of the room after dressing I got to the table. Nobody's here? I wonder why? I chuckle but stop when I notice that literally no one's here!
"What the hell?" I look over towards the counter hearing a ting of what sounded like metal hitting something. Hmm.. escorting myself over to the counter I jump over it then approach the kitchen.
"Where is that noise coming from?" I ask not noticing anything out of order, until..
"Oh Shit.." a cafeteria lady was hanging from barbed wire, blood dripping from her cut up neck along with water. What? Water?
Confused I look around her and notice a piece of paper crumbled in her hand, taking it I begin to read.
Dear Evan,
Hey cutie! If you're reading this then you're most likely too late to save her, also did I say end of the month? I meant you had till the end of the day! Better Watch yourself. I don't want what's mine to get hurt by anyone here.
I growl yet blush at the same time. I'll get that bitch to start talking whether he likes it or not. Leaving the corpse behind me I jump over the counter again. "Best I go tell Nogla about this or someone for that matter."
Running through the halls I noticed that there would be an occasional blood splat on the wall and scatter of bullet shells it begun to scare me. Oh my god what if they're dead?! What if all my friends died? What if Delirious lied to me about telling me anything just to distract me? (A/N: He obviously did hon XD) What if he just said that so that I would go after him and ignore what was actually happening? God damnit I don't have time for fucking questions I just need to run!
I sprint to Nogla's room and kick open the door. No sign of Lui or him, their clothes are gone and so are their weapons. They must have left already, but where? There's no need to check Mini's room, door's right open with no sign of them or their stuff. I feel lost and scared, hopelessness fills my very soul causing me to fall to my knees.
"Where did you guys go?" Tears begin to fill my eyes.



Stop crying and look around Evan..

Taking the voices advice I begun to search the area and there it was, a camera. I can finally see what happened while I was sleeping, yet I wasn't so sure that I actually wanted to go on this journey it be a death wish but I just need to know what happened.

I wouldn't do that if I were you...

Well you are me so shut up we're going, Plus if we die it's you're fault for telling me to look around.

You need to stop digging into things you won't be able to dig yourself out of stop right here Evan.

No. They need me, I'm not going to give up on them.. I won't give up on any of them.

Fine, but before you go I want you to think for a second. I want you to add up all the clues you gained, one of them being that the prisoners were acting strange, different, violent, suspicious; you know the answer, don't play stupid, you know why delirioud was trying to stall you...

"A prison break?..." My voice was trembling at the mere thought.
"Who said we wanted to leave?" That insane laughter broke through the halls making me throw my head back to see the producer of this sound and there he was, Delirious staring right down at me with lustful eyes. Why are they like that?!? Don't tell me it's going to end badly for ME!
"Hey cutie, how about you and I go play in my new fun house?" His voice was perfection at it's best but like hell I'm going anywhere with him!
"Not today pal!" I sprint towards the surveillance office using all my might.
"If I catch you, you're all mine!" he lets out that laugh again sprinting. Holy shit he's fast! But I'm almost there! I'm almost there!!! I run faster and faster my destination only a foot away!
Right when I was about to swing open the door it opened on its own and out came a man wearing a pig mask! "Come on in!!"
But as I was about to speak I felt sharp pain by the side of my head, everything begun to blackout. All I could see was Tyler waving at me, while the last thing I could hear was delirious whispering to me.. "You're mine now.."

Shipping everybody up in this place cx
I know right now the story is confusing but don't worry it'll all straighten out c: Also I'm sorry that this chapter is smaller than the rest I just needed to post something before it takes me longer to post something
But most importantly thank you for the 100+ readers!! I'm so happy thank you!! And of course thank you for all those that vote :D

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