Fifty-One: The Old School

Start from the beginning

"Very well," Bennett said. "Dr Elmhirst is waiting for me. We will have this island back to normal by sunrise. Keep up the good work".

The name Elmhirst drew Charlotte like a moth to a flame. Her heart began to race, as fear that he would slip from grasp engulfed her. She exhaled a slow breath, trying to remain calm. This was her best lead to Elmhirst so far and she couldn't let it pass. Yet she couldn't possibly follow Bennett with four assailants standing beyond the door. It was suicide. She had only one choice.

Exhaling deliberately, she forced her sluggish alteration forward, forcing it haphazardly after Bennett. It was a struggle. The beast inside her craved to attach itself to him, to attack him, but was barely able to discern the difference between Bennett and the rest of those gathered outside.

It faltered, flickered and then surged, finally finding Bennett's fear centre and clinging to it. Charlotte hoped he would give her some sense of where Elmhirst was hiding. She didn't want to attack, even if her alteration had been able to. She had to find Elmhirst. He was the key to ending this.

Bennett was withdrawing quickly, and Charlotte suddenly realised she was completely exposed where she stood. There was a long silence outside and she took her chance to slip back into the shadows behind the open door. She chose her footsteps carefully, afraid she would disrupt the pieces of concrete and stone strewn across the floor.

"What do you think they will do with the rebels?" one of the girls asked.

"I imagine they will be given a choice – that is after they execute Owens and Alexander – probably Deluca, O'Connell and Jansen as well. They can choose to live and behave, or they can die," the male voice replied.

"Or they could be sedated until sale," another girl suggested.

"Either way, Elmhirst will show us his gratitude for helping him in this," the boy breathed.

Charlotte heard one of them step into the room, positioned beside her. Only the open door obscured her from their vision.

"The explosions have destroyed the academy," the voice at the other side of the door breathed, taking a few further steps into the room.

Charlotte readjusted the weapon in her hand. Her heart was hammering in her chest, her blood pounding in her ears. She had no alteration – just a dart gun against four altered students.

They moved deeper into the banquet hall and Charlotte could make out Harry Thornton's broad shoulders and deep brown hair. Ice she thought, considering what she would have to face if she was unlucky enough that he found her.

Mary Abbott stepped beside him, her wild, orange curls unmistakable. She kicked a large rock and watched it slide lazily across the floor. Chemistry, Charlotte breathed, a little relieved that Mary's alteration wasn't immediately harmful. She was more dangerous planning chemical or biological warfare. She was disappointed in Mary. Mary had supported her during the games, a solid member of her own team, but now her loyalties seemed to have found Elmhirst.

"Maybe they can make Alexander repair it before..." Holly Childs placed her fingers to her head and pretending they were a gun. They all laughed. Invisibility, Charlotte noted, holding her breath and trying to drown out the anger that surged inside her.

Vimal Chopra strode across the room to the other door. Charlotte froze. If he turned around now he would see her. From where he stood the door no longer concealed her.

"This room is worse," he said peering in through the far door, but not moving beyond its threshold.

Charlotte watched the other's follow him, gazing into the room as well. Only Mary Abbott and Vimal Chopra seemed to have weapons. She took an uneasy breath, stepping out of the shadows and easing herself around the door. She needed to get away from them. She took a side step, holding her gun aloft, ready to shoot if any of them turned around. She moved again, almost free to step back beyond the door.

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