(25) Was I Ready For This

Start from the beginning

I sat down next to her and grabbed her hand without even thinking. I had not even noticed that my mother had left the room but I was glad she had. "Baby I only kept him alive because I didn't know if you would feel anything towards him. You know since he bit you too."

"Liam I love you and only you, how could you even think that?"

"I didn't know that for sure though Leann. How could I? You were asleep for so long, I couldn't be sure that you still felt that way about me. Leann I love you with every bone in my body, and you know I have extras because of the whole wolf thing." She let out a cute giggle. Damn I missed that, I hadn't realized how much I had just missed her in general.

"Your silly, so are we on the same page now? We both still love each other and hate Kyle? Because thats where I'm at right now." Those words did it, I couldn't help myself. And not being able to help myself I also wasn't thinking. I lifted her whole body out of her bed and spun her around in a circle and then thought better of myself.

"Holy shit, babe I'm sorry. I just got so excited, I forgot that you are all hurt and what not." I slowly laid her back down on her bed. I couldn't believe that I had just done that. Here she was making me promise that I wouldn't let my beta hurt her and I was the one hurting her.

She stated laughing so hard I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Don't be silly, I'm fine now babe." I could barley make her words out because she was laughing so hard. God I loved her. I didn't know how I had made it two months without hearing her beautiful voice. I wanted to be with her in everyway humanly possible, she was perfect.

"Leann, before I met you I never realized how empty my life was. I know that I should have accepted you from the first day I met you, and I regret that everyday. But Leann I know now that we are truly suppose to be together. And when I say we should be together I mean for the rest of our lives. Leann I love you, and I want everyone to know that you are mine and only mine." It was true I needed every male in the world to know that she was mine and no one else's and that included the human male population.

'Liam look in the top left drawer of your desk, I think it holds the answers to your problems.'

'Mom stay out of my head and quit listening in on our conversation.'

'Liam just listen to me, you wont be disappointed.' I didn't know what she was talking about, the only thing in my drawer was office supplies.

I looked at Leann who couldn't stop smiling. She was so beautiful I couldn't stand it, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. I then made my way over to my desk. My mom was crazy, there was absolutely nothing in here that was going to be of any help.

I unlocked the drawer and I didn't even have to search through things. I saw exactly what my mom was talking about because she had left it right on top. I don't know why I hadn't thought of this first.

'You didn't think of it because your not as smart as your old mom here. Now you better do this the right way son otherwise you will never hear the end of it from me. I put it in there last week, I couldn't be positive when she would wake up but I knew it would be soon. And I knew that you wouldn't find it before I intended because you have been so busy with Lainey and training the pack. '

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just take it out and look at it, Leann would see it if I did. I reached in, making sure to open the small black box inside the drawer away from Leann's wandering eyes. Inside sat a beautiful vintage looking ring.

'That's because it is vintage son. It was my mothers ring, and she made me promise her I would make my son propose with it, so you better not disappoint her either.'

'Mom get out of my head!' I quickly blocked her and anyone else that may have been listening. Was I ready to get married? The answer to that was yes, as long as it was to Leann.

Leann POV

"Leann, before I met you I never realized how empty my life was. I know that I should have accepted you from the first day I met you, and I regret that everyday. But Leann I know now that we are truly suppose to be together. And when I say we should be together I mean for the rest of our lives. Leann I love you, and I want everyone to know that you are mine and only mine." I couldn't believe that he was saying this, he was so amazing but I was tired of him blaming himself. I mean sure it kind of was his fault that he had not accepted me but I had forgiven him. I loved him so much and not being able to see him for so long made me love him even more. There was no one else that I would rather spend the rest of my life with.

He just sat there and stared at me. I could tell that he was having a conversation with someone through his mind link with the pack. And I was completely content just sitting here and staring at his beautiful face. It had been so long, not that I didn't enjoy seeing my mother for a little bit. Then again that was only a short amount of the time I was asleep. The rest of the time was spent withering in pain.

He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. I wanted him to bring his lips about four inches south but he disappointed me by getting up. He made his way to his desk and then opened up one of the many drawers. He looked surprised as he stared down at something. What was in that drawer that was causing my mate so much confusion? He looked from the drawer to me and then back down to the drawer. What was wrong with him?

He turned away from me and then stuck something in his large jacket pocket. When he returned to me he seemed nervous. I had heard about the pack going to war from his mother but I was going to put off talking to him about that until later. If that's what he wanted to talk about though I guess we could.

He sat back down in the chair next to my bed. I sat up and dangled my legs over the side, he was making me antsy. "Leann, honey I have something very important to ask you but I want to do this right." If he was going to ask me about Kyle again I swear to god I was going to punch him in the face with my newly found werewolf strength.

"Leann I know that we have not know eachother very long but I think that the circumstances are a little different for us, you are my mate after all. I love you with every little piece of me, from my head all the way down to my toes. You are the one that I want to spend the rest of my days with. I want us to spend the rest of our lives wrapped in each others arms. You already make me the happiest man in the world," He got himself off of his chair and then brought himself down on one knee. "Leann will you do me the extraordinary honor of becoming my wife? Basically what I'm saying is Leann Alexandra Smith will you marry me?"

I couldn't believe what he was saying but god the ring was beautiful. Seriously though it was huge! Was I ready to get married? I wasn't to sure. I mean I loved Liam with all of my heart but I wasn't even eighteen yet. At least I didn't think I was.

Was I prepared to become a misses and not a miss? And even if I were, what about Kyle? I mean I didn't feel anything towards that asshole other than hate. But Liam had kept him alive for a reason. What if when I saw him next, all those feelings I once had came back? Was I ready to be in a stupid love triangle again? The answer to that was no. But what was my answer to Liam? I had been asleep for so long and I had not even talked to him for over two months. Was I ready for this?

Picture of the ring on the side --->

Seriously though I cant thank you all enough for the support you have given me on this book. It is incredible! What will she say? Is she ready?

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