Chapter 1

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I wasn't able to sleep well last night because of that dream that I had. It was a memory that I thought I had forgotten. And now, it's back.

          My name is Kyrie Azzias. I grew up with my aunt Yrinna and my cousin Amiella. They are the only family I have. My mom died already, and my father left us when I was just 7 months old. My aunt Yrinna and my father are siblings, but I never bothered to ask her about him. Aunt Yrinna is also the principal of my all girl school, HICCORY ACADEMY FOR GIRLS. And yes, it is for rich girls.

          As I stood up from bed, I head toward the bathroom, got dressed, and went down stairs for breakfast.

          "Good morning, sleeping beauty." Amiella greeted with a smile.

          "Morning…" I sighed.

          "Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. What's the matter with you?"

          "Bad dream," I said. "Don't ask. Why are you still here? Aren't you supposed to be somewhere?"

          She is usually at work at this time. She is always busy being the heir to the company and all. But the good thing about her is even though her schedule is fully booked; she would cancel everything just to hang with me. That was when I was little. So she is kinda like an elder sister to me.

          "Yeah well, that'll be later after my 2 o'clock meeting. Then I have to listen to their reports and then have this presentation thing and – UGH! It's really stressful," she took a sip of her black coffee. "What about you, aren't you suppose to be at school? You're gonna be late."

          I glanced at my wrist watch. "You're right! I gotta go! See you later!" Then I ran off. She said something else but I didn't understand it.

          Finally! I made it to school, and it was just the first bell so I headed for my classroom.

          Haccory Academy is the dream school of all the kids who want to finish their studies and have a better future. But yeah, the tuition is high, and most of us here came from a very wealthy family. This prestigious school was already built when my auntie was just 21 years old. And at an early age, she already took over. 22 years had past and this school is still the same; the happy atmosphere, the formal greetings, the color and odor of the school, etc. I know, because in my whole life, I never transferred into any school. Do I receive a Loyalty Award for that?

          And I know what you're thinking, is she ever married? No, never. And is Amiella adopted? It's a no either. You see, when aunt Yrinna was young, she fell in love with a man she didn't even know who was married. And just like mine, that man left and went back to his family and they never saw him again. All of us have bad luck when it comes to family, huh? I think it runs in my family too.

          I finally arrived at the doorstep. I was about to open the door when I saw aunt Yrinna, I mean miss Jackson (she doesn't want me to call her aunt in school) on the hallway walking toward me. "Good morning, miss Jackson." I said.

          "Good morning," she greeted back. "Why are you late?"

          "Uhh… I woke up late. I'm sorry," I bowed.

          She sighed, "Go inside now. I have an announcement to make."

          So I did as I was told.

          When Miss Jackson entered the room, everyone stood up and greeted her a good morning.

          I went to my seat as Miss Jackson began her announcement.

          "Seniors of the Haccory Academy for Girls," she said. "You have proven me that you are very responsible and have an amazing leadership that made the school even better 22 years ago. And to be honest, you are the most wonderful batch that I have ever encountered in my 22 years of teaching here. And as of now, we only have a month left before this semester ends…"

          Yeah, I can’t believe this. I'm going to graduate now. Time flies when you're having fun. They are right; high school is the most unforgettable part of your life. But at least I'll leave this place with happy memories.

          "But before that happens," she continued, "We need to help our twin school, the Haccory Academy for Boys."

          Say WHAT!? Spoke too soon…

>end of chapter one<

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