Part One

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Begin Again
Chapter One

I walked into Optus stadium and with each step I took, the beat in my heart rose. The last time, I was here was the worse day of my life. I was leaving Nathan to peruse my degree, and Nathan was well into his AFL career. He was a third year player by then.

'I love you Nathan, I always will, but we both want different things.'  I told Nathan on the urge of tears. David stood beside Nathan as my mother stood behind me, ready to take me to the airport.

'We have good universities here in Perth why do you have to leave? Like does it have to be Melbourne? That's across the other side of the country." I shook my head, I wanted to go, and I knew how much this would hurt us both. "Please Amelia, please stay!" He placed his hand on my cheek wiping my tears from my face.

'You know I've wanted this! I love you Nathan but I want the best out of my education and Victoria has the best universities in Australia. You know this is important to me.' Nathan nodded as he knew this, he just didn't want me to leave. Nathan pressed his lips against mine, I placed my hand on either side of his face, pulling him in close.

We stayed like this for a long while. My hands combing his locks, which I noticed weren't brushed.

I pulled back. 'Amelia we have to go.' My mum called as Nathan and I leaned out foreheads against one another. 'Come on, time to go.' I looked back at mum, then over at David. 'Amelia, it's time.' I watch David's head nod, realising I'm won't be seeing David nor Nathan for a very long time.

'I love you Nathan.' I smiled giving him a hug and holding him tight. 'So much.' I squinted my eyes to prevent me from crying.

I shook my head coming back to reality, I never wanted to feel that pain again. I promised him that I was coming back, there were times I wanted to see him but also times where I just didn't.

I reached the top of the stairs and looked down at the oval, remembering when I watched Nathan play only two days prior to my Melbourne leap.

''Three years and he's still the same boy.' Kiara smiled. 'I remember when he came around and you'd sneak out and walk next door to my house, because he frighten you.' She continued as shouted and I blew kisses to Nathan.

'I was also scared of my brother Harry too, he was terrifying, I mean he still is in a protectively kind of way.' I smiled.

'How is he going to take it? Do you know how to tell him?' I shook my head, indicated I'd not and had no idea how I'd tell Nathan.

'I don't know, yet.' I replied, waving at Nathan who just waved back. 'I don't want to see him hurt, but I think he already knows. Which makes it even worse.' I continued as Kiara wrapped her arm around me.

'Well you got me. I'm gonna be in that class right besides you. I'm sure we will be fine.' I smiled and turned my attention back to the game.

I tried to not think about the past, but that has been a regular occurrence since I landed this morning.

I made my way down the stairs and sat at the front, so I made sure Nathan could see me.

I haven't seen Nathan in ten years! These ten years have been hell for us both. Harry my older brother and Nathan were friends in high school and still are now.

Harry was never around before Nathan and I dated. He was always out with Nathan, they were always getting up to no good. Harry started settling down with his bad behaviour when he reached his early 20's, I guess he started at 15, I suppose he had enough. Harry also by then found out that a one night stand turned into a full marriage and a child. I personally believe that was the reason why Harry mellowed in some ways because of his daughter Darcy.

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