Chapter 27 - Old school

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Zoella's POV

I started packing my clothes

I can't believe that this is our last day in Dubai...

But i do miss my Mum and Sister

It was 8:30pm and our flight is at 7:30am

God, i'm not getting the right amount of sleep lately

But surely i'll get that sleep on Sunday

After i packed my clothes all i wore in one bag

I put them beside the wall where my strolley and Jansport are

I grabbed Disney and we sat on the couch toegther with Niall

He was watching golf on AXN like he always do

"Have you already fixed your stuff Niall?" I tapped Niall's shoulder

"Yeah love done" He answered

"Then what's this?" I picked up his white sando on the floor

"Niall Horan, get your bum out there and fix your stuff" I commanded

"Common 5 more minutes" Niall begged

"No." I grabbed the remote and turned off the television

"Fine then" Niall stood and grabbed his bag

At the meantime i grabbed my phone from the night stand

And viewed my instagram...

I saw many notifications and taggings

I got tags that caught my eye

"@schoranAF: @zoeyboo16 check this out Queen!!"

"@niamISreal: Awww... the pup and Zoella looks fkn adorable! @zoeyboo16"

"@shamaraBM: @niallhoran @zoeyboo16 #NoellaFeels luv u two! xx"

It was a picture of me and Disney sleeping it was 13 hours ago

"Niall!!" I yelled

Niall looked surprised than i'am

"What?!" Niall blurted

"You owe me big time" I stood beside him with arms crossed

Disney barked

"What i've done wrong?" Niall asked and raised an eyebrow and stood

"This" i showed him my phone screen

"Ohhh..." Niall widened his eyes while staring at my phone

"Because of this, you'll buy me ice cream when we're back in London" i put my tongue out

"Ice cream? Okay then" Niall said like a Meh expression

"And, you're gonna post on Instagram a picture of you when your still a little boy" I smirked

"What?!" Niall raised his voice

"Sorry but that's your consequence" I headed back to the couch but standing beside it

"Well at least that ain't bad" Niall pouted

"Post it Now ASAP!" I ordered

"Fine i'll just take the pics go back to my gallery" Niall sat on the bed

"I'll be waiting..." i carried Disney

"Done!" Niall said gladly

"Okay imma check... Ohhh!" I saw Niall's post as a little soldier

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