Blair (Short Story)

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She doesn’t even look up as I walk over. I knew she would be annoyed with me but totally ignoring me is a bit extreme. Isn’t it?

“Heck Blair, I didn’t do it. Seriously!”

She just sits there with her head down and her hair covering most of her face.

I try again more gently. “B?”

Her eyes intently scan her exercise book, blatantly ignoring me. It is then I notice the cord for her headphones hidden under her hair. Maybe she hasn’t seen or heard me.

“Blair!” I wave my arms under her face. Still no reaction.

“So I guess you’re pretty pissed off with me. I mean after what you’ve heard. But it’s not true. I didn’t do it. Honestly B.”

She twiddles her pen between her thumb and index fingers. I am impressed she’s managed to ignore me for so long without screaming, or at least reacting somehow.

“For crying out loud! It’s all just a story. You know how Sam is; he’ll say anything to make it look like he got some.”

I see her eyes narrow slightly and I know she’s heard me. And I also know she believes his story. He is her boyfriend after all. Or was at least.

“Gosh B, what do you expect me to say. You know I wouldn’t do that to you. You’re my best friend for heaven sake!”

Her face twitches.

“I was drunk. We danced a bit and then he got all touchy feely and I pushed him off. That’s it. None of the other stuff even happened.”

She rests her head on her fist and tries to concentrate on her book, although I can see she is starting to give in.

“I promise you, nothing happened between us. Nothing!”

I decide to be mean and pull out the friend card.

“We’ve been friends for ten years. Ten. And how long have you known Sam? Three months? So who are you going to believe, your best friend of a decade, or some stupid guy you just met? When have I ever lied to you?”

That makes her look up. One result of our ten year friendship is that I can read her face like a book; I honestly don’t know what to believe.

“B, I really didn’t want to tell you but apparently Sam has lied about spending the night with girls before. He does it all the time. I didn’t want to tell you, but it’s true.”

Her face screws up and I know I have nearly cracked her.

“You like my sister. We’re family B, and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.”

That does it. She lets of a sigh and nods.

“Ok. Promise nothing happened between you two?”

“I promise!”

She smiles and sits up.

“Well I guess I’m dumping Sam then, what a pathetic looser.”

Sitting down beside her I give her a hug.

Smiling to myself I think about how easy it was. Works every time. Damn she’s gullible.

Blair (Short Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن