Chapter 2

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**Picture on the right is the mysterious guy, whose name you shall find out later;-)!**

When it came to the end of the day, I walked up to Harry's car. I saw him sitting on his bonnet. But I also saw that he wasn't alone. He was with one of those cheerleading sluts. Ugh. I noticed she was one of the girls who were all over my brother at lunch. Please tell me she isn't riding home with us. Please please please!

''Hey sis, this is Tanya'' I looked at Tanya, and glared at her.

''Get off my brothers car'' I growled.

''Gee, touch-y'' She dumbly said and crawled off my brothers car. 

I glared at her and then at Harry.

''Are we going home or what?'' I said, making my way into Harry's car.

''Actually Alex, I'm driving Tanya home..'' I almost screamed.

''Then I'm walking home. Bye'' I said, getting out of the car and already walking towards the gates.

My brother hurriedly drove up to me, Tanya inside his car too. I rolled my eyes and began walking down the street.

''Get in the car Alex'' Harry sternly said.

''No, not while that slut , is in there'' I said.

''Alex, she's a friend now. Either get in, or walk home'' He said, not changing his mind.

''Hahaha, go ahead, drive off then'' I said, through stubborn-ness.

He swore loudly before speeding off down the road. I loved my brother, but when he was with a girl, he was a dick.

Half an hour later, I was lost. 

I had NO idea where I'd gotten myself. I thought I knew the way, since I tired to memorize the route this morning, on the way to school. I thought I remembered the route clearly, but obviously not.

Frustrated, I sat myself down on the edge of the pavement, cursing that stupid slut. 

I stopped, when I saw a sports car slow down, beside me. I started panicking. Oh god, this is it. I'm going to get kidnapped and murdered by some rich murderer.

I mentally slapped myself, when the window was rolling down and I saw that hot mysterious guy from school, sitting behind the wheel, staring at me with an amused expression on his face.

''What? Have you got nothing better to do that sit there, staring weirdly at me?'' I snapped.

He laughed.

''I'm guessing you're lost'' He said, chuckling. Oh his chuckle was like music to my ears. SHUT UP ALEX GEEZ. IT'S JUST A GUY! A very insanely hot one too.

''No shit!'' I said, rolling my eyes.

''Where's your brother? I thought he told you to meet him at his car after school?'' He said, smirking.

''He did, and I did meet him there. I just refused to go home with him'' I muttered, silently cursing that girl again. Stupid girl. Why did the slut have to get attracted to my stupid brother anyway?

''And why's that?'' He asked, amused.

''Because some stupid slut called Tanya, decided she'd get my brother to drive her home. And no way on earth, was I going to sit in that car, watching her flirt with my brother the whole way home. Do you realize how sickening that would've been? So I decided to walk home. Mind your own business anyway. Do you not have sluts to see or mates to be with?'' I sighed.

He laughed. ''Get in'' He said, laughing again.

I looked at him, like he was mental.

''Hell no! I don't even know you!'' I said.

''Alex, just get it in.'' He sighed. ''I'll drive you home.'' 

I thought about it. Well, It's not like I have anyone else to drive me home. And I don't know my way back...

I sighed and walked around the car, and silently slid in.

''Where do you live?'' He asked. I'm so going to regret this, I just know it.

''244 avenue way'' I muttered.

''So, i'm Jace'' He said. ''And you're Alex'' He said, smiling. 

''Yup'' I said, looking outside through the window. And then it hit me. I suddenly remembered what he said when he bumped into me.

''Wait, what did you mean earlier when you said 'the rumours were true then'?'' I quizzed him.

He laughed.

''Well, all of the guys that I know, that had seen you, told me you were smoking hot. And when I bumped into you, I was just thinking how they couldn't get more right with what they said'' He winked, and then returned his eyes on the road.

My breath caught in my throat. He thinks i'm hot? Smoking hot? Wow! I was still staring at his beautiful jaw line, his perfect brown hair and everything, before I realized. He's a player, I bet.

''Finished checking me out?'' He asked cockily.

''I wasn't..'' I tried covering up.

''Oh please. I know i'm good looking and everything. Who wouldn't check me out?'' He said, being highly big headed.

''You're so big headed. You're nothing compared to the guys at my old place'' I muttered.

Lies, lies, lies. It was true that he was so good looking and honestly, who wouldn't check him out? But that was one big fat lie, no one back at my old place was ever as good looking at Jace. He's gorgeous. 

But he's a bad boy. And we all know what happens when a good girl like me, gets involved with a bad boy like Jace. Nothing but a broken heart. 

''Huh, I bet'' He said sarcasticly. BIG HEADED, OBNOXIOUS, GORGEOUS IDIOT. No, shut up Alex. He's not gorgeous. Lies. 

Why am I speaking to myself? I belong in a mental home.

''You what?'' He said.

''I didn't say anything?'' I said.. 

''You said something about belonging in a mental home'' He said.

''I did?'' Damn, i'm even reading my thoughts aloud! 

''We're here'' He parked, outside my big looking house. Ugh. I looked filthy rich and spoilt.. and I hated it. 

Back at my old place, our house wasn't as big as this, but it was big enough for our family. We didn't look filthy rich or spoilt. But now, it's different. And dad's gone more often. It's horrible. He's only been home once since we got here.  I just hate hate hate it here! Ugh.

It was bad at the old place too... He was gone a lot. But never really this bad. 

I noticed a tear or two managed to slip out, without realizing. I quickly wiped them, hoping Jace didn't see.

''Why are you crying? I only said we're here..'' Jace asked me.

''It's not you, it's just.. I'm not even crying. Thanks for the ride'' I said, not looking at him and with that, I left Jace without another word.

 I got inside and heard Jace pull away after a few moments. I sighed and slid down the door. We might have money, and some people find money makes you happy, but our family isn't happy. Our dad is hardly ever home, and when he is. He's usually drunk and mean. He's never hit any of us, or anything, it's just he's a completely different man. It's heartbreaking to see.

Again, tears manage to slide their way down my cheeks. I lift my hand to wipe them, but Harry grabs my hand and pulls me up, before I can.

''Where the hell have you been? Why are you crying? Who's hurt you? Tell me who they are, i'm going to kill them-'' I push Harry out of the way and run upstairs into my bedroom. 

People might think i'm pathetic crying over my dad that's hardly here. But I'm a bit of a daddy's girl. Well, used to be. But now I hardly see the man, and when I do, he's bitter, not loving.

I slam my bedroom door shut and jump on my bed, letting sleep take me away.

*sorry it's short:-(*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2013 ⏰

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