Chapter One

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                     Cover by:
                     My sister

  My black curly hair covered the left side of my face, to hide the lump on my eyebrow. It was a tumor that developed when I turned nine,but the doctors said it wasn't anything to worry about.

  I walked down the crowded hall of the middle school building. Friends happily greeting each other after the summer. My chest began to tighten. So many people...didn't think this through. My breath was caught at my throat. Anxiety was pulsing throughout my body.


It's going to be alright...

  I wore a grey hoodie that only showed the shadow of my grey eyes. My arms hugged my notebooks that carried poems that were unseen by anyone...and unheard.

"Oh,it's her." A whisper,it sounded cold,and disgusted. I knew who it was,Alexandra Withindale.

  We had been friends for a while until the world closed in on her. Mixing up self preservation with selfishness. She began pushing herself to do things that clearly weren't made for her. Changing her mind competing with everyone and  creating challenges no one took part in.

  I sighed at the memories, my sister, her , and I were great friends..but I guess school and career choices do separate friends sometimes.

  Alexandra had honey straight hair that reached down to her hip bone. It was wavy root to tip. Her black eyes were cold enough to make you freeze at you're spot. Of course, I was always a victim of her gaze

"Hey-Jenny!" I bit my lip in fear as I stopped my tracks,to turn my direction at her. I kept my eyes glued toward the white tiles floor.

"Yes,Alexandra?" I asked. I squeezed onto my books as she walked closer while her group giggled. They cornered me to the red lockers,kids in the hall just passed through not caring of the scene.

I could taste the blood from my lip.
I was biting to hard.


It's okay...

"Please,just leave me alone." I pleaded in a whisper. My back hit the wall of red lockers,fear shivered down my back.

  "You're real stupid if you believe I'll ever leave you alone,Jenny..." She chanted in my ear. "Tell me why are you such an attention seeker?" I felt her eyes burning down on me, I didn't look at her,but kept my eyes glued down. I felt silent,hot tears ready to roll down.

  Anxiety was building up again, my lungs nails digging into the hardcovers of my notebooks.

  She slapped her hand on the lockers,I slide down hoping she'd leave,if I'd look broken,not that I already am."Tell me,Jennifer! Why you so emo?!" She kneeled down,thankfully my hair covered me,showing her nothing but,my lower face.

Tears of frustration threatening to fall..

  "HEY! Alex leave my sister alone." A strong,rough voice boomed down the hall. It was Adam,he's a varsity track and field. He had golden brown curls that reached his forehead. He was tall,and wearing a dull red shirt with a brown sweater. His hazel eyes held annoyance. My hero, my big brother.

Just one grade above me,still managed to save me from Alexandra's grasp.

  She scoffed and brushed her hair to the side. I held back any outburst that planned to leave my body. I wanted to run. My body was trembling.

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