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Anastasia Lee

From: daddywilk

Hey babe :)

From: legitqueen

Wait, who's this?

From: daddywilk

My names Samuel, but you can call me daddy ;)

From: legitqueen

Um, no thanks Samuel.

From: daddywilk

Yes please, Anastasia.

From: legitqueen

How do you know my name?

From: daddywilk

Cause I'm a smart cookie.

From: legitqueen

A little too smart.

From: daddywilk


I stood up, confused. Who was this? And how the fuck did he know my name?

I sigh, saying goodbye to Samuel before logging off and walking into my ensuite.

I stare into the mirror, admiring my somewhat flawless skin. That the only thing I like about myself.

I sigh again, throwing my long black hair into a messy bun.

I walked back into my room, sitting on my king sized bed. I glance around my huge room. I stand up, walking over to my pin board full of photos of me and my mom.

My mom died when I was 13. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever met. After she died, everything went downhill from there. I dyed my hair black and starting sneaking out more often. I basically turned into a rebel.

My dad is a lawyer, so hes a pretty wealthy man. But he's almost never home so I never see him anymore.

I sigh for like the 5th time tonight.

Turning my lights off, I hop into bed and try to get some sleep.


My alarm goes off, ringing in my ear.

I yawn and get up, grabbing some clothes and walking into my bathroom.

I turn on the shower and wait for it to heat up. Stripping, I hop into the shower, letting the scorching water slide down my back.

I wash my hair with a vanilla scented shampoo, and shave my legs.

I hop out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my hair and my body.

I quickly dry off, putting on a pair of Aztec print leggings and a big sweatshirt.

I walk over to my makeup table, opening the drawer and taking out my blow dryer and my hair straightener.

I quickly dry my hair and straighten it.

By now it was almost seven. I grab my black vans and my black jansport bag, putting all my books into it.

I run downstairs and outside, I hop into my matte black Jeep.

I plug in my iPhone 6 to the aux plug and put my songs on shuffle.

Once I make it to school, I quickly turn off my music and hop out of my car, grabbing all my stuff.

I accidently slam my door, causing all eyes on me.

I roll my eyes. "Nothing to see here! I just slammed my door shut. Jesus." I state, annoyed already.

I walk to my locker, and shove all my books inside.


I walk into first class, adjusting my fake glasses. Yes, fake. I hate being a 'nerd' but I sure as hell don't wanna be popular. Why? Because popularity sucks. There is no proper reason why it exsists and its just straight up stupid.

I feel someone bump into me. "Scoot it, nerd." Ah, Anastasia. I can't believe she didn't know it was me who was messaging her last night. I mean, 'daddywilk'? Isn't that a dead giveaway?

I guess its because I'm pretty much a nobody, so of course she wouldnt know my name.


"Scoot it, nerd." I say as I bump into someone. I feel him turn back and look at me, but I continue on my way to my first period class.


From: daddywilk

Babe, whyd you bump into me today?

From: legitqueen

I bumped into you? Wait, you go to the same school as me?

From: daddywilk

Since preschool baby.

I think for a minute, who could this be? I only bumped into one person today. What the hell.

From: legitqueen

Can we meet up sometime? Cause I wanna know who you are.


From: legitqueen

Can we meet up sometime? Cause I wanna know who you are.

Oh shit, she wants to meet me. What do I do. Oh god.

From: daddywilk

How about Saturday? We can meet up at the park. I'll come to you. I'll be there at 10am.

From: legitqueen

See you then.

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into.



- legitjolinsky

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