Chapter 3

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Pam checked her seatbelt was fastened and sat back against the soft leather of her seat. When Nick had mentioned a departure time, she'd naïvely assumed that was executive talk for a normal flight on a commercial airliner. She had been so wrong. She looked around the private jet and wondered if she'd stepped into an alternate reality.

Two days ago she'd been running around making last minute arrangements for a rehearsal dinner, all the while thinking about maybe having to find a new job. Never in her wildest imaginings would she have thought two days later she'd be sitting in a private yet waiting to go to New York.

'We'll be taking off soon, do you want a drink before we leave?' Nick asked as he took the seat beside her. She hoped he wasn't going to sit there the whole flight. She wasn't sure she would be able to deal with his close proximity.

'No, I'm good. You don't have to sit next to me. I'll be fine. I mean who wouldn't be? These seats are amazing. More like lounge chairs than the upright, sparsely padded, uncomfortable chairs you find on most standard international flights.'

Pam shut her mouth quickly. She was rambling like a girl who'd just come off the farm.

'Luc always likes to feel comfortable when he flies. Although he won't be doing much now he is about to become a father. He'll be leaving that up to me.' He pointed to the door at the end of the cabin. 'There is a bathroom and bedroom if you want to sleep. We have a long flight and we'll have to make a couple of stops to refuel.'

'How safe is it sleeping on a bed? What if the plane hits a patch of turbulence?' As much as the thought of spreading out and getting some decent sleep on a long flight appealed to Pam, the thought of being tossed around, like a leaf on a strong breeze, getting injured, had her disregarding the idea of using the bed.

Nick laughed. 'I've done it many times and haven't had any issues.'

'There's always a first time, and knowing my luck it will happen to me.'

Pam tried not to imagine Nick sleeping naked between the sheets. If things were different and she had a chance with the guy, she could achieve two milestones. Join the mile-high club and lose her virginity. That fantasy was never going to happen. Not with Nick anyway.

She sighed and reached for the magazine she'd stuffed in her purse. It wasn't enough to keep her occupied for an over twenty-four-hour flight, but she figured in a slick jet like the one they were in, there'd bound to be movies she could watch and inevitably she'd sleep.

She stopped herself from squirming at the thought of Nick watching her sleep. It was unnerving to think he may watch her. She could always return the favour, she supposed. Would he even sleep? He'd have to. There would be no possible way he could go the whole flight without sleep. Would he go into the bedroom?

The engines whirring up to full speed stole her attention from the thoughts of Nick and bed. She pulled on her seatbelt to make sure it was tight and secure. She closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. She wasn't normally a nervous flyer, then again, she'd only ever been on two planes and they were your normal, domestic-sized carrier, not on a plane one third of the size.

'You're not afraid of flying, are you?' Nick asked, as his warm hand engulfed the one that was gripping her armrests.

'Not normally, but this is the first time I've been on a jet this size, so it is a little nerve-racking. I'm sure I'll be fine once we get in the air.'

'I can assure you Luc prides himself on having the best of everything, including the maintenance staff of this plane, and the pilot as well. You're extremely safe. You have heard it's more dangerous to cross the street than it is to fly?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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