Chapter One: Emma's POV

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     "You know where to go, Ms. Swan? And what your goal is?"

Emma Swan nodded.

      "Storybrooke. Kill Regina Mills." She said with a straight face.

     "We're counting on you."

Her boss handed her the gun, papers and keys to her car before sending her away.

    "Oh and Ms. Swan?" He said before she walked out the door, "Be careful out there."

  Emma nodded and exited. She took the elevator down and walked out to the yellow bug, still upset they didn't give her a fancy black car. But she guessed it was for the best if she just drove her own, normal car. Besides, her boss said this town she was going to was really little and hardly anyone even knew it existed. Bringing a bulky, suspicious, government car in probably wouldn't be a very good idea anyway.

      She began the drive from the headquarters in Boston to that little town she hadn't heard of until now.  Storybrooke, Maine. It sounded made up. But she trusted her boss and would do this mission for him, despite not knowing truly why she had to kill some woman.

     What had this woman done?

    She drove on for the couple hours it would take to get to this town, stopping only once for gas, while thinking up a plan of how to assassinate this woman. Perhaps she could get close to her as a friend and then pull a back-stabbing situation. Literally.

    After a few hours she reached the town's edge and saw the welcome sign. She pulled in, hoping it'd be easy to find a hotel. She drove in and saw a sign reading "Granny's Bed and Breakfast."

    "Thank you." She mumbled before parking and getting her things. She walked in where a younger woman with darker hair was standing lazily behind the desk.

    "Excuse me?" Emma asked.

The woman looked up in surprise.

     "Yes?" She asked, "Are you lost?"

Emma laughed a little.

    "No," she said, "No, I would like a room please."

The woman stuttered.

    "O-oh." She said, "Uhm..well, okay...Uhm...I'll need the pay in advance. How...How long are you staying?"

     "About two weeks for now." Emma replied, pulling out her wallet and handing the woman her credit card.

The woman took it and did what she had to do before handing Emma the card back along with a key.

    "Enjoy your stay Ms.....?"

    "Swan. Emma Swan."

    Emma walked up to her room and threw her bags onto the bed. She pulled the file out and opened it. The picture was of a woman with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She looked slightly latina and had a scar on her upper lip. Her eyes showed so much emotion in just this one picture. She was....quite good looking.

    Emma shook her head, ridding her brain of the thought before reading through. Her name was Regina Mills. Her age was unknown, as was her birthday. She was the mayor of this town of Storybrooke for as long as anyone could remember. She had one ten year old son named Henry of whom she had adopted. Apparently everyone in the town was afraid of her.

     Emma closed the file and lay back on the bed. This woman didn't seem the friendly type but maybe with as much charm as she could come up with, Emma could get close to her. Emma closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep in this bed of the bed and breakfast in this little town of Storybrooke.

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