Chapter 7: Katniss

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We walk to the garden and I see fireflies glittering in the bushes. It's really pretty tonight. I need to tell Peeta. I don't know why, but I feel like if I don't tell him now, it'll be to late.

"What do you need to say Katniss?" he asks.

"I don't know how to say this at all," I say. "I care for you like I've never cared for anyone before. I think I," I can't quite find the words.

"You what?" Peeta asks me.

"I think I lo-" I stop as I hear a crash out front. "What was that?"

"Lets get inside and see," He says and I run inside. I look out the glass window and gasp. "What is it?"

"It's Gale and the other villagers!" I say. "Prim must have told them about this place!"

"You should go with them," Peeta says sadly.

"No," I say. "I'm not leaving you."

"But," he starts and I cut him off.

"I am not going with them and that's final," I say. "I'll fight if I have to. Because I know exactly what will happen if I go out there. They'll take me home to be Gale's obedient wife and kill you. I will not let them do that."

"Then how do you suppose you're going to do that?" he asks.

"Go to your room," I say.

"Why?" he asks.

"Because then there is no real proof that you are here," I say. The door lets out a crack and I shoo Peeta out of sight. I grab my sword and stand with it ready as the door bursts open. Gale comes in with about five other villagers.

"Katniss!" Gale says rushing forward. "We've come to save you."

"I don't need saving," I say. "Now leave, I don't want you here. I thought I made it quite clear when I left that I never wanted to see your face again."

"What's the big deal?" he asks. "Its not like you have to worry about Prim anymore." I instantly remember the little sister I miss so badly.

"How is she?" I ask.

"She's dead Katniss," he says. I draw my sword and hold it to his neck.

"No," I say. "It's not true. You're lying."

"Oh but it is," he says. "That little girl came back to town babbling about you being captured by some beast. When no one helped her get you back, she went out alone. She got lost in the mountains and fell off a cliff."

"We made a deal!" I say. "If anything happened to me, you take care of Prim and I would do the same for Rory, Vick, and Posy if it was you!"

"Maybe you just should have stayed home darling," he says and I press the blade in my hand tighter against his throat, not cutting him just yet. "What are you gonna do with that? Swords aren't for little girls like you."

"I'm no little girl," I say pulling back my sword to strike him. But I'm stopped by one of his friends who stops my blade with his own. I turn to him and begin fighting with him. And while its true, this is my first real opponent, I have practiced these moves vigorously over these last few weeks as exercise. I never thought I'd actually have to use them though. I throw Cato off balance and quickly finish my fight by sending him to the ground, knocking him out cold with the hilt of my blade. I turn to the on lookers and smirk.

"Who's next?" I ask. They all back off and grab Cato before leaving. This isn't their fight. This is some little attempt of Gale's. I look around in the shadows for him before I hear an animalistic screech from above me.

"Peeta!" I gasp and go towards where I heard it and find the window to the balcony open and the curtains blowing in the breeze. I go outside to see Peeta and Gale fighting on the roof. Peeta has Gale pinned to the roof, his hands on Gale's throat.

"Peeta!' I shout. "Don't do it! He's not worth it!" He turns to me and leaves Gale in a panting heap on the roof. He starts climbing up to me and just as he takes my hand he screams.

I look to see Gale stabbing a dagger into Peeta's side. I grab Peeta's shirt and drag him up to me and he falls in a heap on the balcony. I look at Gale and he holds out his hand for me to pull him up.

"You let my sister go out there alone," I say. "You pretty much pushed her off that cliff yourself. You must be insane to think I would help you." I watch as he starts to slide off the slick roof and hear him scream as he slides off the edge. I hear the sickening thud as he hits the ground and I can't bring myself to look at the result.

"Katniss," I hear Peeta moan weakly behind me. I look to see him still lying in the heap I left him in and from the blood seeping from the wound, I know he's far from alright.

"Peeta," I say. "I'm so sorry."

"I'm gonna die," he says.

"No you aren't," I say. "We don't have to worry anymore. You're going to be fine."

"I'm just happy that the last thing I get to see is your beautiful face," he says. His large hand comes up and gingerly touches my cheek.

"Don't talk like that!" I say feeling tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Katniss," he says. "I love you." I feel his hand become weak and his head falls back.

"No!" I start crying. "You can't leave me. I need you to stay with me. My sisters dead. Your all i have left! I love you too. I couldn't find the words earlier, but I love you too Peeta." I sob as I clutch on to his shirt. He's gone. I have no one left.

But then a miracle happens. I feel an unearthly force start to lift Peeta in to the sky. He's surrounded by swirling lights that wrap around his arms and legs and I watch, dumb founded as he starts changing, his form contorting until I realize what is happening. The curse is broken. He's changing back. The lights set him down gently face down on the ground and they totally disappear.

Peeta's body is still for a moment and I start to fear that it all came to late. That he's already dead. But I almost jump as he slowly begins to stand up, his back to me. He turns to me and I take a step back.

"Katniss," he says, his voice no longer having that gravel to it, but I know it's him. "It's me. Please don't be afraid." I step forward and place my hand on his cheek. Those are the same blue eyes I've fallen in love with. And paired with a human nose, ears, and lips and the curly blonde hair, I recognize him as far more than the one I love, my best friend.

Peeta is the boy with the bread. Peeta is the silent boy who saved my life.

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