Though she was calm, that was what bothered August the most, the level of calm she was at. From her past, he knew she was beginning to shut down and that's what he didn't want.

Stirring and shifting in her sleep, she gripped his side tightly. Closing his eyes as the pain of her nails digging into his skin set in, August exhaled as she let up. Not bothering to wake her, he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Aug?" He heard a soft whisper.

Looking to his left, Skylar stood there.

"Wassup baybeh?" He whispered.

"Is it okay if I order breakfast for us?"

"Of course love. Y'all go ahead."

"Thank you."

As she turned to leave, he noticed a scratch to the back of her leg.



"That's from yesterday?"

Looking at it, she nodded.

"It don't hurt or anything?"

"Not anymore. Mrs. Nancy took care of it for me."


Once she was gone, he shifted his body a bit, easing his way out from below Mackenzie. Going into the bathroom, he used it and did his morning routine. He knew that from the moment Mackenzie got up, she was going to be focused on her sisters so he wanted to at least make sure they were settled and the room was cleaned.

Greeting the girls, Skylar informed him that she had ordered breakfast for him and her sister as well. Sitting on the couch, he pulled Madison on his lap, kissing her on her temple while Mila cuddled up next to him.

"I'm hea if y'all wanna talk aight?" He reassured them.

Answering yes or with a simple 'mhmm', they left it at that. While watching cartoons, there was a knock on the door and the person announcing room service. While they took their respected breakfasts, Mackenzie came out.

"Anything for me?" She asked.

"Always." August smiled.

"Morning girls." She said taking her plate.

Sitting on the floor, they said grace then indulged in their meal quietly. It was clear of the obvious tension in the atmosphere but no one wanted to make it anymore hard as it already was.

"Mack?" Skylar spoke.

"Yeah sis?" She looked back at her.

"We gotta get clothes."

"I know. I'll go get it for y'all."


As they went back to eating, there was a knock on the door. Getting it, August greeted McKinley and Terrence.

"Which one of my goonettes sharing their breakfast with uncle T?" He joked as he tickled Mila. "Y'all good?" He asked.

"Mhmm." They answered and nodded.

"Aight because I only want to see smiles on those beautiful faces and that includes you Mack."

Poking her on her side, she flinched, making the others laugh. Finishing eat, Mackenzie excused herself and went to talk with her father pertaining to her mother.

"So what are you going to do?" He asked.

"Well Aug's next show is in DC in four days so we'll be here until, monitoring mommy and according to how she is coming along we'll all go back to Atlanta."

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