Chapter Two-Flaming Symbols

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As the two walked side by side, Percy noticed he walked with a slight limp. He frowned, looking Harry over with concern. He hesitated for a moment, before he decided this kid probably wouldn't hurt him as bad as Nico would if he were to try the same thing on him.

He dropped his hand from Harry's lower back, and before he could say anything, grabbed his arm and hooked it over his shoulder, other arm wrapping around his waist. Percy clutched him tightly to his side, and glanced over with a small smirk to see Harry gaping at him. 

"You seemed to be having a bit of trouble walking. Can't have you injuring yourself further while trying to get to the infirmary." Percy said easily, soaking in the heat of his soul-mate. He couldn't help but notice the other seemed to slot into his build easily. 

Harry looked at him with narrowed eyes for a minute longer. "I don't nee-" He started to say, before his foot caught something, causing him to stumble and wince. Percy quickly caught him, arms wrapped around his waist, Harry's arms having flung themselves around his neck.

Percy smirked, snorting. "Sure you don't," He said, rolling his eyes. "you can't even walk properly. C'mon, Bambi, let me carry you." Percy said, holding his arms out, Harry having shifted out of them. 

"I don't need to be carrie-" Harry started, before he fell once again, into Percy. Percy shifted easily, taking the smaller man into his arms. 

"I rest my case. C'mon, arms around my neck," Percy urged, and smiled when he felt the smaller man due as told, albeit reluctantly. Percy hooked one arm under his knees, the other under his shoulders, and soon the two were walking. 

Percy frowned when he picked Harry up. He was surprisingly light. Worryingly so, even. But he felt his worry almost completely wash away when Harry tucked his head under Percy's chin, face red in embarrassment. He smirked. There wasn't even any body around. They were all at dinner by now.

It wasn't long before they climbed the steps into the small building, and Harry was being treated by a son of Apollo. Percy refused to leave, and stayed by Harry's bedside. He winced as Harry did, almost able to feel the others pain as his leg bone was properly set. He wanted to hold Harry more than anything, but refrained as his cuts were cleaning and he was forced to eat the Ambrosia. 

He had to shift in his seat when a moan left Harry's mouth after eating the substance. 

They were soon left alone after that, only to be joined by company again a moment later. Chiron walked in, and Harry didn't even flinch at seeing him, and Percy was glad to see he wasn't completely unused to such things. 

"Hello, my boy." Chiron said, smiling kindly, white fur glinting slightly in the harsh light of the infirmary. "I'm Chiron. I take care of this place here, Camp Half-Blood. I'm sure you have some questions, so please, feel free," He said, making a waving motion with his hand. 

"Just to confirm, I'm a Demi-God because I was able to get in here, and that means one of my parents was one of the...Gods? Which Gods are we talking about?" Harry asked, eyes narrowed, and Chiron didn't even blink at the accent, most likely having been told. 

"Indeed. You are the son of most likely one of The Great Twelve, but there is also a possibility you are a child of one of the more minor Gods. You should be claimed sometime today, or in the next following few days."


"Your Godly parent will make their symbol appear above your head, claiming you as their own. Do not be alarm when this happens."

"Are there ever any kids who don't get claimed?" Harry asked, a sense of dread filling his stomach. He felt like if it was a possibility it was almost sure to happen to him.

Chiron frowned, glancing at an unusually silent Percy. 

"Well, it is rare that someone is not claimed, but it does happen, on occasion, sadly. Oh, you shall be staying in the Hermes cabin until you are claimed. That is were all unclaimed Demi-Gods stay." 

Harry hummed, and lowered his head, signalling that he had no more questions at the moment. Chiron frowned. He was used to being bombarded with questions, but it seemed this one knew more than he was letting on or he was just silent. 

"Your name, my boy,"

"Hadrian James Potter." He answered quietly. 

Percy had a rare train of thought going. The boy reminded almost of Nico, how silent and...moody he was. 

Chiron looked at Percy, and tilted his head, signalling he wanted a word. Percy got up quickly, telling Harry he'd be back shortly. 

The two went just out the door, and Chiron watched Percy with narrowed eyes. "You do not need to stay by him, Percy. Not every Demi-God that you happen across doesn't need constant help, though it is very kind of you," He said gently. 

"I know, Sir. He's my soul-mate," Percy said quickly, not bothering to feel ashamed. He didn't even know why he would feel ashamed. His mate was...pretty cool, so far. He seemed like a nice guy...Percy felt he had no reason to feel ashamed. 

Chiron blinked, eyes widening. He nodded once, before trotting off, face twisted with an emotion Percy couldn't decipher. Percy shook his head and walked back into Harry's room. 

He quickly sat down, and he and the other just stared at each other for what seemed to be several minutes.

"Tell me about the big twelve," Harry said suddenly, startling Percy.

"Well, er," Percy said, attempting to call the information to his head. "first you got Zeus, God of the sky, the King of The Gods. Then, you got Hera, the Queen of Gods, Goddess of marriage and all that," He started, rubbing the back of his neck in thought.

"Then you got Poseidon, God of the sea, my father. Then, Hades, God of the underworld. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades are the known as The Big Three, usually." He looked at Harry to make sure he was still listening, and flushed under the attention he was indeed receiving. 

"Then Hestia. Goddess of the hearth, or home. Er, who else, uh, Athena, Goddess of wisdom, Artemis and Apollo, the twins. Artemis is the Goddess of the Moon, also the leader of this group of girls that swears off men, The Hunters of Artemis. So, it's already a given you're not her son, since she swore off men. Then Apollo, God of the sun, poetry, music, and all that. He isn't very good at it, actually. Don't tell him I said that.

"Aphrodite, Goddess of love, Hephaestus, God of the fire and the forge, Ares, God of War, and Hermes, the Messenger God, or God of travelers. That's why all the unclaimed kids go to his cabin," Percy said, ticking off the Gods as he went to make sure he got them all.

"And, that's the big twelve," Percy finished, looking at a thoughtful Harry. 

"Fascinating...what's the origin?"

"Erm...Greek." Percy answered slowly, not sure if he quite understood what Harry meant by that. 

Harry hummed. "Thanks by the way," He murmured. It seemed he gave the correct answer.

"No problem. I was in your position once too. Course, I got a bit more of a...scrambled informational trip, but I learned what I needed to, either way," He said, shrugging.

Harry nodded, before coughing roughly. Percy stood quickly. "Let me get you some water," He said, quickly leaving, Harry looking after him with sightly watery eyes, coughing into his hands.

When Percy came back, he almost dropped the glass. 

Harry was looking at something above his head, a flaming red symbol.

"Hades," Percy breathed. 

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