Chapter One-The New Kid

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Sweat and blood from small wounds mixed together, only to splatter onto the floor as sword and spear clashed with weapon and shield.

The two fighters lunged and swung at the other, each trying to get the upper hand, paying no mind to the small crowd that had gathered. Helmets covered their faces, but the golden sword in the male fighters hand and the electric spear in the female's hand were well-known throughout the camp.

It was when the male crouched and swung his feet around that he got an advantage. He managed to trip the other, and she soon ended up sprawled on the ground. He quickly got to his feet, foot lightly set on her stomach and sword pointed at her neck.

"I win," The male declared, taking off his helmet, revealing oddly colored eyes, black hair, and a cocky smirk.

"Yeah yeah Prissy, now get the Hell off me," The sturdy female demanded, and the black haired boy snorted before stepping away, capping his sword and stuffing it into his pocket.

They ignored the crowd yet again as the calls started.

"Way to go Percy!"

"Next time Clarisse!"

"Get him, De Rue!"

"New record!"

Percy rolled his eyes and panted as he walked out of the arena, intent on taking a shower before dinner. He walked steadily, nodding every once in a while to passing campers. He was covered in dirt and sweat, and would rather a shower now than after dinner.

The camp had become slightly more sullen since the war. Leo's apparent fiery death with Happy The Dragon had deflated the whole camp, as though the energetic Demi-God had taken the energy of those around him as well with his demise. They were slowly rebuilding, and now, two months later, they had almost managed to put the camp back in full working order. He smiled slightly as he passed Nico, who didn't notice him as he was talking to Will, the two walking side-by-side to somewhere.

The son of Hades had confused him greatly, but he had slowly started to understand the other, younger Demi-God. It was a shame, really, that he hadn't realized sooner. And if Nico was just a tiny bit older. Percy had realized he was bi sexual a year into his 'chase' with Annabeth, and he decided against going after the girl soon thereafter. He realized he leaned more toward his own gender than the other, and that did take him by surprise, but he had quickly taken it into stride.

The eighteen year old glanced at Thalia's tree as he passed the entrance to Camp, only to suddenly stop. The Drakon that protected the tree and fleece was standing on all fours, head reared and ready for an attack. He rushed to the entrance, pulling out Riptide as he shouted to some satyrs nearby. They ran off, he assumed for more help.

He rushed to the arch that was the barrier between mortal and Demi-God.

Only to be tackled.

He made an odd noise as the wind was knocked out of him, something heavy, warm and panting landing on him before quickly rolling off.

He struggled to sit up and identify the source of the commotion.

When he did, however, he blinked. And blinked again. Two feet away from him sat a man about his age, on his stomach, face bowed and panting heavily. Black, slightly curly hair masked his features. Percy did a quick run over the boys build, and found that while the other was about half a foot shorter though not necessarily short, he had a similar build to Percy, being on the leaner side. However, Percy was a bit broader, not to mention taller. A nice build, too, if not a bit...skinny, Percy thought for a fleeting moment before he noticed something rather odd.

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