This is On You

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A/N: Guess what guys?! I'm still alive! I know I know, I'm so sorry I was suppose to have been updated! I had massive writer's block!


The clock tower struck six times, indicating that it was at the peek of sunset. The sky was infested by playful rainbows, as it had just stopped storming in the heart of Volturia. You could literally feel the carbon dioxide brush upon your skin as you wondered through the cobblestone streets, and it smelled of freshly cut grass and dew.

I swiftly maneuvered down the halls of the West wing of the palace. My destination... Marcus. After waiting for his voice to fill my ears I entered his room with his permission. He was stood gazing out his full-sized window, that granted him with a perfect view of the tower.

"I presume you have come to a decision Marcus." After a moment he turns to me with a brood expression plastered upon his odd face. "I'm sure you know my choice, Mother." I inhale deeply and nod.~

We traveled to the mountains that were surrounded by flocks of trees. We got here just as the sun was at the horizon eager to let the moon take over the humid skys.

I stood there with Marcus facing me, his back towards the cliff. This was the most secure place to do something like this out in the open, humans had never been here before and it was much too high to climb.

"Do you have any final words, my son?" I ask solemnly. This was hard for me, to lose someone I cared greatly about. But it is His decision to make, I wanted to give him that at least, because I couldn't give him back who he wanted most.

"She always loved you. She spoke highly of you everyday, and though my bond between Aro and I was merely a mask. My loyalty to you, Mother has never wavered." Marcus confesses to me proudly. I blinked back the tears that were at the brink of releasing. Marcus and Didyme were always my favorite. Didyme and I were like sisters at one point, but then Aro killed her when she planned to leave the coven along with Marcus.

I was livid at the very least! I wanted so badly to rip Aro to shreds from inside out, piece by piece. He came very close to his demise, I was to watch him beg for mercy and burn to a crisp, but I couldn't do it. Everything in me was ready to end him, but I couldn't. That was the first time I had ever lost my free will. It was like my body was frozen and... Protective of him.

I took Marcus' face into my hands gently and waited as the rays of the sun lift us. "Goodbye... My son." I watched in anguish as his body began to burn from bottom to top and when there was only his face that was visible, he smiled. He smiled at me...he was free.

Free. Us- humans, vampires, werewolves... We use the word so loosely. Like it's nothing. But the word free has a history of it's own. It started as well as ended wars. It's money, it's liberty, it's means so much and yet we take it for granted of the influence it's had in everything. Marcus was free now and he deserved to be.

I let a single tear escape as I heard my mother' words in my mind. "Just one tear. Just one." I smiled at the thought of Marcus and Didyme being together once again, and sped back to the palace.~

I had been pacing back and forth, stressing! Thinking! What am I to do with him? I won't- no I can't kill him. I could torture him for awhile, but I did always hate seeing him in pain. Ugh, what am I to do?!

"Jill!" I screamed in frustration. Immediately the new assistant, Jill bursted into my room she looked frightened, but I didn't care. "Send word to Aro to come to my chambers! Now!"

"You!" I yell when Aro enters my room moments later. He looks at me confused. "Me?"

"Yes, you! I just let go of a son very dear to me, because of you! This is on you! His blood- his life is on you! I should've disposed of you centuries ago! I should end you right now!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I had no control over my actions and certainly not my powers. Instantly, Aro started to scream, he was on his knees in no time, and you could see clear as day smoke radiating from him body.

His pale skin was starting to transform into a crisp. You could even smell of burnt flesh start to suffocate the air. No. I can't do this! I can't kill Aro! He means too much. I've known him sin- since Forever. He stopped his agonizing screaming, but he was still on his knees. His breathing was quite laboured. I kneeled in front of him, took his hand gently into mine and watched as the skin slowly healed itself.

I sighed, feeling relieved. "I'm sorry." I said quietly. He looked down at me in surprise almost, but something else. I couldn't hold his gaze though, so I looked down to find his hands were both healed completely. Good as new. I smiled warmly finally letting Aro and my eyes meet again, but he was already watching me intensely.

The edges of his slim lips curled into a slight smile as he stared at me. It felt...weird, but not bad. I liked it when he looked at me, but it was the way he looked upon me, with admiration and endearment.

Maybe I had blacked out for a moment, because I hardly had time to react when I felt Aro's chillsome lips pressed against mine. At first I was in shock! What about Sulpicia? I thought to myself, but I could care less about her. I didn't fight him, I didn't want to. I wanted Aro and tonight I would definitely have him.

Aro and I had never shared any physical moments together. We were as close as Bestfriends could get as children. But our relationship slowly but surely drifted when Aro became more and more blood thirsty for power.

I felt a brush of wind and then my back against the cushion of my king sized bed. The night was certainly...long, in more ways than one...

You Stole My Heart⇒Aro Volturi Love Story {Twilight Saga}Where stories live. Discover now