Chapter 2: The Healer

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Jon awoke to white fur ball, Ghost, licking his face. Pushing Ghost away he sat up, wiping his face then assessing his almost healed torso, his once crimson wounds were now merely scars. The man looked around the decrepit cabin, noticing the wildling girl with the dark hair was nowhere to be seen. Nudging ghost out the way he slowly climbed out of bed, grazing his feet on the rough wooden floor. When was the last time he walked? Using the side of the bed for support Jon gradually stood up, feeling shots of pain from his stomach. The front door was only a few metres away. Jon pulled one foot forward, wobbling slightly as the pain threatened to consume him. He stared at his feet noticing he only had a piece of cloth round his lower waist reaching to his mid-thigh. Knowing he would freeze if went out like that he snatched the small dark cloak from the bottom of the bed and laid it over his shoulders. The crisp lemony aroma flooded his senses, wrapping the cloak tighter Jon realised he didn't have a clue where to go. Running his hands through his curls he let himself sink to the ground. What could he do now? Was he even a member of his nights watch anymore? Or the Lord Commander?

Trotting over Ghost laid himself beside his master, trying to console him. Rolling away from Ghost, Jon looked under the bed noticing a slight outline of a box. Jon pulled himself closer, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. Reaching for the box Jon pulled it out from under the bed. The chest was made out of Weirwood with a stag delicately carved into it; the box was outlined with none other than Lannister gold with a lock but no key.

Ghosts ears pricked up as he heard the sound of someone approaching the cabin, causing Jon to shove the box back under the bed and roll in the opposite direction. The door swung open revealing a hooded figure in a white cloak with a sheath of arrows slung over their back along with two rabbits and a squirrel. Dropping their things to the ground the figure turned around letting their hood fall to their shoulders. Evelyn. The name came to Jon's mind, although he couldn't remember her last name.

Evelyn stared at him, her eyebrow slightly raised, "Jon, what happened? Did you fall out?"

Jon shifted nervously, conscious of the girls cloak wrapped around him, gingerly he nodded.

Slinging her cloak on the end of the bed she leant down towards him, putting her arm under his and hoisting him up, "Let's get you back in bed, you need to rest."

Jon shook his head, he felt childish but what else could he do, "I want to go outside."

Evelyn scoffed, "And be spotted by the other wildlings and be stabbed again."

"I can wear a disguise."

"You can't even walk." Evelyn turned away making the ruffled bed.

"I can."

"And how much pain does that cause you? Jon I spent days healing and stitching your wounds, and if you make one wrong move you'll reopen those wounds. So would you please sit down?" She shot Jon a stern look then gracefully moved her way over to her various jars full of strange looking herbs rooting for something to ease Jon's pain.

Jon acquiesced, sitting himself back on the bed. "How did you become a healer?"

"I was a servant to a Lord in the North and I guess in my free time I would read books about all kinds of healing herbs in their library. Then when I joined the free folk I put it to use and became their healer, they taught me many other healing methods too, although theirs were more gruesome and would rarely result in the person regaining health." Reaching into one of the jars Evelyn pulled out a lilac coloured herb and began grinding it down, "Now that we are south of the wall my talents are needed less because of the little fighting, so now I also hunt in order to eat and trade."

Intrigued Jon leant forward, if she'd of served a house in the North she may of known his...well basically family, "Which house did you serve in the north?"

"The Karstarks." She put the lilac powder into a tankard with ale and began to stir it.

The Karstarks, Jon thought, The Karstarks were a branch of the Starks, "Why did you leave?"

Evelyn handed the tankard to Jon, "That's another story for another day."

"So when I'm healed what will happen then?" he looked down into the murky liquid that filled the tankard, almost choking on the stench.

Placing herself next to Jon she held the tankard with him and lifted it up for him to drink, "When you're healed we will head south."

Swallowing the curiously silky drink, Jon looked at the girl in bewilderment, "Why?"

"Because there is nothing left for you anymore in the North, Jon. The snows getting deeper, the wind harsher, if we stay here then we'll die."

"What will we do in the south?"

"We will go to Kings Landing."

"And then?"

A smirk slid across the girls face, "I like to go by instinct."

Authors note:

Thank you for reading! I have big plans for this story!!

This chapter was kinda a filler, just to set the scene and to learn a bit more about Evelyn and Jon's health etc.

Will update soon! Please comment, rate and follow!

Love you all :*

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