Chapter 10

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Maddie woke up the next morning to see a soft stream of sunlight shining through the window in her hospital room. The air was cool and crisp which made Maddie miss her home even more. She missed waking up and instantly smelling the light scent of vanilla that always seemed to fill the air. 

Maddie snuggled farther into Nick, laying her head back down on his chest. Nick tightened his arms around her but didn't wake up. Maddie thought about how sad Mackenzie and her mom must be and how much she missed them, which almost made her start to cry. 

After laying still for a few minutes Maddie felt Nick begin to stir in his sleep. She turned her head and met his gaze, his beautiful green eyes shining bright with love and comfort. "Morning Maddie." Nick said, smiling gently, his dimples showing. "Morning." Maddie whispered back. 

As soon as Nick looked into Maddie's eyes, he saw that she was excited and yet still nervous. He knew she was excited because she got to see her mom and Mackenzie today, but was nervous because she didn't know how Mackenzie would react. 

Nick gently ran his finger tips along Maddie's arm for a few minutes before a nurse came in.

The nurse smiled and checked Maddie's heart rate and all the machines she was hooked up to before asking Nick to get up and stand to the side for a minute. Nick got up and then the nurse rolled Maddie over onto her side.

"Now, I'm going to have to give you a should that should treat the pain in your neck." The nurse said. She walked over to the counter and prepared the shot. While she was getting the shot ready Maddie looked at Nick with fearful eyes. 

Maddie had always hated shots and the fact that she was about to get one in her neck scared her beyond belief. Maddie reached for Nick and he grabbed her hand in return wanting her to be comfortable. 

The nurse walked back over with the shot and Maddie was tense all over her body. "Now just relax." The nurse said, putting the needle more close to Maddie than Maddie would have liked. Nick tightened his grip on Maddie's hand as the nurse stuck the needle of the shot into Maddie's neck. Maddie cringed in pain and then began to feel drossy. The nurse pulled the needle out and then noticed Maddie's heart rate was slowing down on the monitor. She called for the doctor and he came running into the room, pushing Nick out of the way. 

The doctor was trying to find Maddie's pulse and he listened to her heart. He soon found out the problem. "You stuck the needle into a vein! Get a crash cart in here right now or she'll be dead in minutes!" He said paging an ER doctor. 

When the doctor said that Nick had to leave the room he felt nauseas and confused. He sat down in a chair outside of Maddie's room trying to catch his breath. He was breathless at the fact that this same thing had happened to Brooke when Brandon dropped her. Maybe history really was repeating itself. Nick shook his head at the thought. He wasn't Brandon and Maddie wasn't Brooke.

Nick sat in the chair calming himself down. When he had just finished calming himself down, the ER doctor came running by with the crash cart. Nick started to get even more worried when the doctor closed the door behind him and he heard lots of yelling going on in the room. 

Nick took out his phone and started to text Melissa to warn her that something had happened to Maddie. When he was just about to hit send Melissa and Mackenzie came walking towards the room. Mackenzie broke out into a run and without knowing what was happening to Maddie opened the door, to reveal all of the doctors around Maddie working on her neck and heart. 

Mackenzie screamed and then slammed the door shut, falling to the floor and crying. Melissa walked over to her and picked her up with tears in her eyes. 

Melissa sat down in a chair next to Nick and asked him what happened. Nick explained to her what the nurse had done and why this was happening. Mackenzie was listening not really understanding what Nick was talking about but she knew something was wrong with Maddie. Mackenzie started crying harder into Melissa's shoulder. Melissa rubbed her back but it didn't help much. 

Melissa kissed Mackenzie's head and told her Maddie would be fine. This caused Mackenzie to cry even harder. "I miss Maddie!" Mackenzie screamed into Melissa's shoulder. Hearing Mackenzie say this made Nick and Melissa's hearts break.

The three of them sat in silence for a while only the sound of Mackenzie sobs filled the hallway. 

The door to Maddie's room soon opened and the doctor walked out. The ER doctor followed behind him pushing the crash cart away down the hallway. Melissa and Nick tried to read the doctors face for any hints about Maddie but couldn't find anything. 

"Well, Maddie is stable and is doing a lot better than when we got in there. The medicine that was in the shot that hit the vein shouldn’t affect her, but from what we had to do to get the medicine out of the vein in her neck there is a risk that she could have a seizure at anytime." The doctor explained. Melissa nodded, relived that Maddie was okay. 

"If she would happen to have a seizure just go to the front desk and tell them and ask for Doctor Amherst." The doctor finished. Melissa nodded and the doctor walked away. 

Nick, Melissa and Mackenzie all walked into Maddie's room. Nick walked over and stood on the left side of her bed, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead. Maddie looked up and smiled up at him. Melissa started to cry reaching down and giving her daughter a hug. 

After Melissa pulled away from Maddie, Mackenzie jumped up on the hospital bed causing Maddie to flinch and gave her a hug. "I missed you Maddie!" Mackenzie said letting out little sobs, still not letting go of her sister. "I missed you to Kenz." Maddie said, hugging Mackenzie. 

Melissa pulled out her iPhone and took a picture of her two daughters hugging one another. She put her phone away then walked over and wrapped her arms around her two daughters joining the hug. Maddie let go of Mackenzie for a minute and grabbed Nick by his shirt collar pulling him into the hug. All of the shared a group hug and loved every minute of it.

After they pulled away Maddie began to fall asleep still a little tired. Mackenzie laid down beside her still not feeling well wither. Maddie pulled Nick down next to her, causing him to laugh. 

Nick looked at Maddie in the eyes and smiles. Maddie smiled back and leaned her head on his shoulder closing her eyes. Nick wrapped his arms around Maddie's waist and Mackenzie leaned against Maddie's back gently not wanting to hurt her. Melissa sat down in the chair next to the bed and smiled at all of them falling asleep curled up to one another.

Melissa took a picture of them all together after they had fallen asleep. She uploaded it to Instagram and instantly got a million comments. Melissa put her phone away and leaned her head back against the wall closing her eyes also. She had barely slept the night before. She spent most of the night worrying about how Maddie was. 

Now Melissa was just happy Maddie was okay and the people she loved most were here with her.

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