She sighed as she unlocked the door and rushed inside.

"I'll just sleep on the couch tonight," I said as I took a quilt from off of a nearby rocking chair.

"Kendrick. I'm sor-"

"Goodnight Jordin."

I kicked my shoes off, then laid down on the couch. So many thoughts were running through my mind, I couldn't even find myself to go to sleep. I felt a little bad for spazzing out on her, but I couldn't be the only person who was catching feelings. Jordin couldn't there and tell me that the first kiss we shared together, and the kiss that we just had just a few minutes ago - didn't mean something to her.

"Kendrick. If it means anything, I love you. Not just as a friend, I just need time."

The last thing I heard was soft footsteps, and the creaking of stairs before I drifted off.

Since I hadn't been to church in years - since my Uncle died to be exact, Jordin invited me to church with her and her parents. Well I actually had no choice but to go since I crashed at her crib last night. She had a brother around my age and size, and was kind enough to let me borrow some clothes for church. Just like my parents approved of Jordin, her parents approved of me, so they had no problem with me staying the night. But the thing was - church wasn't really my thing. Ninety-Eight percent of the time that I went, the congregation had the audacity to walk around like they were 'holier-than-thou'. I didn't have time for people who didn't even know me - judging me. The only person who had the right to judge me was God. The only reason why I went to church with my Uncle, was because his church was totally different. They accepted me just the way I was. I didn't have to worry about them judging me on what I had on, and what they assumed about me. I was like family.

Service was over, and everyone was either holding conversations, or leaving.

"See. Now don't you feel so much better?" Jordin asked me, as she grabbed her Bible from off of the pew.

She had on a nice, yellow dress that hugged her body just right, and it definitely caught my attention. Forgive me in the house of God.

"Not really," I replied nonchalantly.

"Look. Kendrick if you're still mad at me because of last night - for the 100th time, I'm sorry!"

"Best friend didn't I say to just forget what I said?" I replied, with a hint of sarcasm, as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

She brushed me off as she made her way to the entrance of the church. I couldn't help but laugh to myself as she finally understood that I could play the game better.

After following Jordin out the church, we both found ourselves in the back seat of her parents car, with both of sitting at opposite ends. Her parents were somewhere holding a conversation with other church members, and they would probably be out shortly, so there would be no use of us sitting in the front. Especially since none of us was about to drive.

"Kendrick please just hear me out," she broke the silence.

"I'm listening."

"I just need time to think. Alright? I just need space right now, but I do feel the same. From the bottom of my heart, I love you Kendr-".

My phone suddenly went off next to me on the seat, and a text message popped up on the screen - completely cutting her off. The name was visible for both of us to see, and the person the text was from was 'Sexy Sherane' The text read: Are we still meeting tomorrow to finish what we started? No need to worry about the other guy. Single!

Opposites Attract | Kendrick Lamarजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें