Chapter Two: The Purple Blimp Of Death

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As you could guess it was the January 17th and the small bit that I actually cared I was a bit excited because it was my birthday. To me, I couldn't care less. Honestly the only reason I don't run away from is because if I did, Ma and Pa would be terrified.  

I started the day off with getting up out of bed to find the house on fire. I ran through the entire house trying to find Ma and Pa. The smell of burning wood and melting metal combined smelled horrible. There was smoke everywhere so I could barely see. My eyes were watering and I was wearing nothing except boxers and socks. It burned bad. I went to the closest window to break out of, although it would pretty much be suicide because the house had three floors; the basement, the main floor where Ma and Pa slept, and the top floor where I was. 

I grabbed my gun, a small Colt M1911, just like in the video games. I shot the glass to the window and the window shattered completely. I hopped up on the window ledge and jumped. The freezing cold air was blasting through my face, and my stomach dropped. I was getting nauseous. I concentrated hard on something fun-if only I knew of something fun. I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to stop and land safely on the ground.  

Then I did. It was like an invisible wall catching me in the sky. 

It was amazing, I couldn't believe it. I was confused, I figured I was dreaming. I was about fifteen feet off of the ground, so if I fell I probably wouldn't die or anything. There was beautiful trees; Evergreen, Pine, Oak, Maple, even fruit trees holding apples and pears and mangos. From a distance I could see the Town Hall. A tall, brick building filled with elevators and people. It stood and about 75 feet tall, with twenty-two stories, the top one being the mayor's office decorated with white and pink wallpaper and statues of famous celebrities. Some of them being Michael Jackson, Elvis, George Washington, Martin Luther King Junior, Gandhi, and a small baby Jesus in the manger statue sitting above her head on the wooden shelf. 

I saw the world in a whole new way, saw all the little details, like the candy wrapper for a Kit-Kat bar stuck in that short, skinny tree. Even the empty carton of cigarettes blowing through the wind on Main Street, I even saw that Kroger had removed their old wood bench and replaced it with a luxurious dining room table made of pink marble and gold. The Earth was amazing, and I started to love life-I was so unfocused on everything else except the good and bad of the Earth and universe. So unfocused that I didn't realized that I dropped. 

Down, down, down I went. I screamed-I shouted. I felt helpless and my body plunged into death. Then I stopped for a few seconds, and then, like and escalator, slowly lowered down onto the ground, not a single scratch on me. Ma and Pa welcomed me with warm, happy hands and smiles. It was like they didn't even notice the strange things that had happened to me. I didn't understand what had happened, but I was too happy to care. 

About a week later I was taking a stroll down the street, trying to think about what had happened. Then I heard something, a horrible high-pitched noise. Like an air horn mixed with ambulance sirens multiplied by a number so big not even Einstein's brain could come up with it. It was so loud they could most likely hear it in China- literally. I look up and see a large oval shaped plane with flashing green, red, yellow, and blue lights. I is a shiny silver with black interlocking diamonds. It landed right next to me. Not even God knew what awaited me there.

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