* Janae and calvin stare into each other's eyes again*

Mykel- " okay can yall nigga's stop"

Everyone- (chuckes)

Janae- " I'm tired and I'm trying too get comfortable till I ko"
Mykel- " well since yall bipolar asses being nice right now yall can share one couch and I'll sleep on the other one"
Janae- "get us differ blankets I'm not sharing with him"
Calvin- " she gone share with me"

*Mykel goes too get calvin and Janae one blanket*

Janae- " you don't listen"

* everyone lays down*

Mykel- * turns on Netflix*
Calvin pulls out his phone and takes selfies*

* Janae gets a text message*
Jen ( Jay baby)
Janae-( hey )
Jen -( I just heard what happened, are you okay ?)
Janae-( yeah I'm good , thanks for asking)
Jen-( link ?)
Janae-( can't I'm busy)
Jen-( okay , what about tomorrow?)
Janae-( busy too)
Jen-( Sunday ?)
Janae- ( I think I'll be bussy , I have alot going on)
Jen-( why do I feel like you're neglecting me ?, I thought you liked me ?)
*Janae reads the message*

Calvin- * taps on Janae's shoulder*
Janae- * locks her phone and looks up*
Calvin- "smile" * puts the camera on him and janae*
* Calvin sticks his tongue out and Janae kisses him on the cheek and calvin takes the picture*

; Calvin Posts the pictures on instagram with the caption " My World " ;

Janae- " why you lying too instagram?"
Calvin- *kisses Janae* " you always talking , shut yo smart ass up"
Janae- *kisses calvin* "make me"
Mykel- " where the fuck is Lela when I need her"
( Janae and calvin chuckle)

Calvin- *kissing on Janae neck and all over her chest*
* Calvin's phone goes off*
Calvin- *kisses Janae's lips*
*Janae pulls Calvin's phone out his hand with her eyes closed*
Calvin- " you're not slick" *grins*
Janae- " well its a good thing I wasn't trying too be"
Janae- " I bet you changed your code"
Calvin- "nah its the same"
Janae- *looks at calvin in disbelief* " wow I'm suprised yo bitch let you keep it" *sits up and unlocks his phone*
Calvin- * sits up and puts his arm around Janae* " that ain't my bitch"
Janae- * clicks the twitter app*
Calvin- " why twitter ?"
Janae- * slides the top of the phone down* " beacuse that's where you got your notification from"

( on Calvin's feeds)
Janae- " all I see is sky"
Calvin- " saying what" *leans over the phone

Sky_Bitcch- it's funny how people all of a sudden care about people when some shit happen too them , he know he don't give a fuck about that girl /8:00 pm/
Sky_Bitcch- lol , bitches always accusing you of thinking you want they nigga , but they always trying too kick it with em and be all in his face / 8:38/
Sky_Bitcch- I just peeped some shit, but I'm not gone fall back Like you dumb hoes , ima fall forward and slap both these Mfs / 8:00/

Calvin- "she just mad"
Janae- " I see that"
Calvin- * takes his phone from Janae* "fuck her"
Janae- " tell her that !"
Calvin- " I'm telling you that , she don't mean shit"
Janae- " if she really didn't mean shit you would tell her"
Calvin- * gives Janae a you've got to be kidding me look*
Janae- " whatever then I'm going too sleep" *lays down and covers her closes her eyes*

*Mykel texts calvin*

Mykel-(never let you girl go too sleep mad at you Bros

Calvin- * texts Sky*
Calvin-( idk if you think we got something going on but we don't)
Sky-( she sleep bros)
Calvin-( lmao stop acting like you got a nigga , goodnight sky)

Calvin- "Janae look"
Janae- " leave me alone"
Calvin- "just look real wuick"
Janae- *looks up at the screen and smiles*
Calvin- " still mad ?"
Janae- "never was , just tired" *lays her head back down and shuts her eyes*
Calvin- *lays close too Janae*
* Janae puts her hand in Calvin's pants*
Calvin- " don't get too nasty"
Janae- " I'm thirsty"
Calvin- " i see that"
Janae- " boy I mean I want something too drink"
Calvin- * stand up* " come with me too the kitchen"
Janae- * follows him into the kitchen*
Calvin- * starts cooking mac and cheese*
Janae- " oh look at you , chef calvin" * sits on the counter*
Calvin- *walks up too sky and gets in between her legs and pulls her by her legs too the edge of the counter until their boys are touching* " I love you janae, and I'm not just tranna spit games when I say that shit"
Janae- *rolls her eyes* "whatever"
Calvin- " foreal , and I know you probably don't like too talk about that night , and your probably don't believe me , but I was the only one trying too calm you down and keep you safe and yo drunk ass was going off on me *pecks Janae's lips*
Janae- " I know I remember that"
Calvin- " if you remember what happened why didn't you tell me sooner, and we could have been ended this shit"
Janae- "by ending him?" (Chuckles) "honestly I remember everything that happened up until I let a white bitch shoot drugs in my arm"
Calvin- * shakes his head*
Janae- " where was sky when yo ass was preaching too me ?"
Calvin- " pretty close , her ass was mad"
Janae- * smiles*
Calvin- * walks over too the fridge and poors him and janae a cup of orange juice and hands Janae her cup*
Janae- * starts drinking her juice*
* Calvin mixes his juice with vondka*
Janae- " why can't you mix mines ?"
Calvin- " remember what happened the last time you drunk ?"
*Checks on the food*
Janae- " yeah but now you're here too pretect me"
Calvin- " you didn't listen too me last time"
Janae- " well now it's just us two"
Calvin- * poors a little bit of vondka in Janae's cup* "happy ?"
Janae- " nah , that wasn't shit"
Calvin- *poors some more*
Janae- * drinks the whole cup*
Calvin- "damn you be taking that shit like a G" *making him and Janae's plates*
Janae- " it relieves stress"
Calvin- *hands Janae her plate* "nah you just be trying too get fucked up"
* Janae and calvin eat*
Janae- " I got a question"
Calvin- " what ?"
Janae- " if you love me soo much , why you never cuff me ?"
Calvin- " I be trying but you just a hard ass"
Janae- *laughs* "what if I want too make it work now ?"
Calvin- " well you probably a little tipsy right now so I'll see how you'll feeling in the morning"
Janae- *wraps her legs around calvin* "I'm fine"
*Calvin carries Janae too the couch and lays her down*
Janae- *looks over at mykel and whispers too calvin* " he's sleep , we can fuck , we just gotta be quiet
Calvin- " we're not having sex"
Janae- " stop being boring"
Calvin- *lays next too Janae and grabs her from behind and wraps his arms around her*

*Calvin and Janae both fall asleep*

Chapter 8 will be posted at 30 comments and 250 cries

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