Chapter One-The New Kid

Start from the beginning

Clutched in the man's right hand was a stick.

Faster than Percy's brain could comprehend, the man had rolled over and was on his feet, still panting but seeming to have regained his breath for the most part.

Percy blinked, yet again.

The man had bright, cautious emerald green eyes that shined and circular wire framed glasses that by themselves looked stupid but on him looked adorable. He had sharp features, full lips, long lashes and high cheek bones. His pale skin contrasted drastically with his hair and eyes, making them stand out. Percy was in a trance. Oh, I could certainly hit that...he thought dazedly. He was, after all, a hormonal teenager. Could one really blame him?

Though there was blood and dirt on him, making Percy frown in concern. I need to help him, my mate's hurt. The thought caused him to come to a halting stop for a minute. He'd heard of this happened but didn't ever expect it to happen to him, as it was stupidly rare. Oh, I'm always the exception, he thought with a mental groan. But, appraising the other for a moment caused him to decided he didn't really mind. He could've done worse, when it came to his soul-mate.

"Are you okay?" He asked, stepping closer despite the stick pointed at him and the aura around him the screamed BACK THE FUCK UP BITCHES. It reminded him slightly of Nico, actually.

"Fine. What is this place? I was running from-from something and this place...appeared." The other man said, and Percy blinked at the British accent, crossing his legs subtly.

"This is Camp Half-Blood. You were running from a monster. You can put the stick down, dude. Only people like us, Half-Bloods, can get in. The monsters can't. You're safe here." Percy said, feeling an odd emotion, telling him to make the other feel safe to keep him here. The stick was shoved into the others pocket. "So, were you aware that you're a Demi-God?" Percy asked, amusement coloring his tone.

"Demi-God? What the bloody hell is a Demi-God? And who are you?" He asked sudden, eyes narrowed.

"A Demi-God is a half God. You know, the big twelve, Zeus and all that. Half mortal, half god...Camp Half-Blood....yeah..." Percy trailed off awkwardly, suddenly feeling very flustered around his soul mate. "And I'm Percy! Percy Jackson. You?" He asked, blinking at the sudden need to know the others name.

His soul-mates name.

"Hadrian Potter. Harry for short," He said, tone clipped. Percy smiled. He liked that name. Hadrian.

Percy opened his mouth, but was cut off as the 'help' finally appeared. Little late, guys, he thought with an eye roll. Really, two minutes had most likely passed, but still.

"Who's he?" Conner Stoll asked, and Percy mentally growled as many eyes appraised his mate. Mine.

"New Demi-God. Names Harry." Percy said, bringing the attention to him shortly.

"How old are you?" Nico piped up suddenly. That question brought a murmur through the crowd. Harry flushed at having so many eyes on him, and from anger.

Nico did have a point in asking, however. Harry knew he could be mistake from anywhere between nineteen and fourteen.

"Almost eighteen," He said, groaning as he heard the intakes of breath at his accent. He knew moving to America after the war would cause that. He just had hoped it wouldn't happen this often. He had moved to New York because it was a big city and he could blend in, but he still stood out easily.

"He's only a few months younger than you, Perce," Jason noted. Percy nodded. His birthday had been the past May, and it was currently mid June.

"Who do you think the parent is?" Someone shouted, causing the others to frown.

"I hope he's not Aphrodite, though he could certainly be," A female voice spoke up.

"Drew! Control yourself!" Piper barked, making the surrounding people jump slightly.

"Could be Hephaestus," Someone noted. Harry just blinked at them.

"That doesn't matter at the moment. I'll take him to the infirmary, someone get Chiron and tell him to meet us there," Percy said, and the crowd dispersed. He then turned to Harry who looked relieved as he watched them go.

"Bloody Hell," He grumbled, and Percy chuckled, causing his previously bowed head to snap up. Percy flushed under the attention.

"I have a few friends who hate crowds. I could tell you were uncomfortable," Percy said, feeling slightly awkward. "But, c'mon, we need to get your wounds healed." Harry slowly stood next to him, and Percy put his hand on Harry's lower back to lead him on instinct, and mentally cheered when the other didn't reject the touch.

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