Girl Talk

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Heyy Y'all. Today is my birthday and Its something I need y'all help on. Yes I'm In My Feelings on My Glo Day.

So Me And This Guy Met The Beginning Of School. He was a senior and I was a freshman, we grew really close over time the Love came in the play. It was a problem while we were talking and my trust slacked up. He was talking to some girl and I didn't wanna feel dumb and let him have fun on the side so I as well did my dirt but I was better at keeping it a secret. He and I hardly spent time with each other and it was a issue for him. But the time I did spend with him I had to sneak and see him. We fell out about it and said some things I regret and I know he does regret what he said too. He told me to leave him alone but y'all I can't... Me and Him Knew each other for 9 months damn near 10 and it might not seem that long but y'all I've been in a relationship and he never told me he loved me. I also learned something's from him, did things I never thought I would do,. Me and this boy were in Love but we never made it official y'all I can't get over him. I miss him sooooo much and I wanna call but I'm scared to. I need y'all help. I need so helpful advice and I know y'all got the best advice

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