Karmas' A Bitch

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(Age 15)...

"Karma, Carmello Come On Dinners ready."

"I Bet I'll Beat You Carmello."

"I Bet You Won't!"

Me and My Baby Brother raced to the dining room to eat and of course I always beat him...

"I told you Butt Head." I throw my napkin at him

"I let you have that Stank Breath." He threw it back

"Hey You Two Stop That Playing around and come eat."

We ate then Got ready for bed.

"Good Night Baby boy I Love You "
"Good Night Momma I Love You Too." She kissed me then left

"Night Momma I love you too!" I mocked Carmello

"Oh Shut Up Stupid." We argued until we heard a lot of noises then screaming then a loud bang

"What Was That?" Carmello asked

"Karma someone's coming." He cuddled up under me

"Carmello stay here okay? I said going to open the door

I saw a black hat so I closed and locked the door running over to Carmello. Him and I hid him in the closest then someone bust in the room throwing things everywhere. I kept a gun in a shoe box so I pulled it out waiting for someone to open the door.

"Aug Ion think they kids here."

"They here Somewhere I feel it when we find them they dead." I dropped my head and hugged My baby brother tight in my arms as he was crying

"Mayne Aug It Ain't That Serious we got what we wanted now let's go."

It got quite.

Somebody came up to the closest and snatched the door wide open and I let the gun rip. I shot whatever was in the door way Grabbed Carmello and ran outside. I had my keys in my hand and Carmello was holding my other hand. I heard gunshots behind me and Carmello and before I got to the car, He a started yelling and crying harder. I put him on the ground behind the car and reloaded the gun and shot at they. Once they stopped I put him in the car and we left. Blood was everywhere on me the car everything

"Carmello Stay With Me Okay Your Gonna Be Just Fine Okay." I cried the yelled hitting the wheel

As I'm driving a car bumped into me from behind so I hit the gas faster going 140 on the dash. I look to see Carmello crying holding his chest and slowly getting pale. I drove on the wrong side going head to head with this other car while those bastered followed. Before I hit the car I swerved and the car ran into the truck. Then I went to the hospital but I was to late he died in the car I pulled over beside the road then grabbed his lifeless body and held it close to me as I cried.

In the back of my mind I was thinking he'd better die cause if not... He's about to suffer a slow & painful death...

Part 2 Coming Soon

August Alsina ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum