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Ludwig Beilschmidt.

The name no one in America seems to be able to pronounce correctly the first time. Ludwig always wondered what was so hard about pronouncing his own name. It's not some African name that's about 40 letters long. It's just a regular German name given to regular German people. Most of the Americans can pronounce some foreign names correctly, but then there are others who pronounces it so wrong even though the person pronounced it already or the name is spelled clearly in front of their faces.

The incorrect pronunciation occurred too many times. Too many times that Ludwig decided to not even care anymore. Pronounce it as something else that's not even close to how you're suppose to pronounce it, Ludwig had lost the ability to even. The little typical girl inside him could not even anymore. It does not know the definition of even, because it is unable to even with the stupid people around it acting all smart. There has to be a limit on how dumb a person is. Surprisingly, there is no such thing as 'too much' for Ludwig's older brother, Gilbert. The only thing Gilbert knows is 'enough' and 'not enough.'

There is no such thing as 'mature' when it comes to Gilbert. Gilbert has a pet bird that he always carry everywhere, no matter if the employees of the store say so otherwise. Usually when that situation happens, threats of being sued are coming out of Gilbert's mouth at top speed as Ludwig tries to defend his brother, while trying to calm him down. Afterwards, Gilbert would almost go towards violence before they're kicked out and forever banned from the stores.

Total number of stores they are banned from: 14

Gilbird had a lot more respect than Ludwig could ever have if you think about it.

Gilbert named the bird after his awesome self (Gilbert's words). Gilbert with his bird fetish never seem to calm, even if he is eating food that relates to bird. Eating the one of his favorite animal and acting like a casual person.

Thinking about Gilbert and his love for birds, Ludwig's mind just wanted to think. The moment of Gilbert talking to Gillbird as if the bird was Gilbert's child, invaded Ludwig's mind. Invaded, because he wishes not to hear, see, or imagine these thoughts.

'Zhe Awesome Me picked out the most awesome looking seeds for you! Gillbird likes the seed, richtig?' Gilbert said to his little bird friend. Gilbert rubbed his nose on top of the little chick's head. 'Aw, yes, Gillbird does! Yes, he does!'

The bird stared at Gilbert while eating the seeds. 'Do you want an awesome outfit that will fit you?' Gilbert asked his bird friend.

Ludwig shuddered.

Gilbert have never said those words in front of Ludwig before. Sometimes Gilbert said some of the baby words quite too loud at their house, possibly on purpose. Ludwig would prefer if Gilbert's favorite animal was a dog, but at least he was able to keep his three dogs at home.

Now that he thought about it, did Gilbert feed his dogs like he promised?

Ludwig was a strict man, unlike his own older brother who goes with the flow and dreams about being the King of Birds. Ludwig couldn't see the idea of just hanging around and doing nothing. No, there are bills that he have to pay and food to buy him and his older brother could eat. It's almost close to tax season, it'll be an even bigger headache than it already is. It was almost like they were poor, two brothers living together instead of living individually.

Gilbert insisted that they live together so they can 'help each other out.'

But really, he's lazy to find a job and do everything by himself. Finding other people to help--do the whole work--for him. Think of it as a group project.

The bills, tax, food, and job are like the school work that needs to be done and turn in at a certain due date. Obviously, the students in this group project is Ludwig and Gilbert. There's always that one (or more) lazy kid in the group project, it may even be you, but he pretends an incident or promises something that he doesn't comply to. He will depend on the smart one or the helpful one so he can get that perfect grade and wouldn't have to worry.

This is what Gilbert is doing.

What's worse is that Gilbert insist that Ludwig 'cool down and bang some girls at the club.'

If Ludwig did those things, who was going to do the work to be able to get the grade they were aiming for? Being a respectful man, Ludwig wouldn't even imagine moments about doing something like that.

Except for those times when he was able to read the magazines hidden under his bed. Ludwig gets flustered way too easily and he didn't have much free time, so he rarely looked at those.

He wouldn't dare step foot in a club, anyway. The only reason he would do so, is because of the good cheap beer that they sell. Being a normal German folk that he is, he will most likely to do almost anything to obtain his favorite foods and drink. The only beverage Gilbert and Ludwig have in the fridge are beer and a Pepsi can hidden in the back of the fridge somewhere.

Still, Ludwig will not do the banging of such thing, he will not be banging anything. He rather prefer to call it love-making than any of those words people use and do these days because either they're bored or they want to gain popularity. No, love-making needs to be saved for the one person that makes your heart race and gets your mind all mustered up with good thoughts and occasionally those erotic things, because who can control their hormones?

To be honest with himself, Ludwig didn't like most of the girls that were around him. They're not ugly, but Ludwig would prefer a person who has a good heart and not do anything crazy. The appearance never bothered Ludwig in any way, because you can change your outer appearance, but you're always the same on the inside. There could be people who are considered ugly that has a good heart. There could be cute people who might be cheating on you and likes to use people and hates to play Kirby.

The sparkling charms seems to be on ladies, but what if it was on a male? Would that be wrong, considering Ludwig and Gilbert lives in a homophobic state? Ludwig never saw anyone that has the sparkling charms, mostly because he never bothered to talk to anyone to know who they truly are. He's too busy yelling with his ugly self.

Ludwig always insisted that he is perfectly straight. Yes, he likes girls. He just needs to find the right girl that has his potentials. Ludwig didn't care about sexuality much, anyway.

Now that we're partially covered the part about who Ludwig is; we didn't pay much attention to Ludwig's informations that stories would usually cover. There is no need to worry, the next paragraph quickly explains all about Ludwig and he's personal information!

Ludwig is a 20-year-old sexy male.

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