"I DON'T LIKE HIM!" She shrieked and Bianca decided this would be a good time to cut in,

"What the Zeus is going on!" The three froze and Zoe face palmed. Percy pointed at Phoebe,

"She did it!" He sure didn't want to be blamed by Phoebe's screw up. Zoe gave Phoebe a glare and she shrugged and laughed nervously.

"Since you messed up you can explain everything to Bianca." Zoe said and Phoebe groaned,

"Fine! When Percy was five he ran away from an orphanage. He ran into us and Vesta appeared to claim Percy. To keep Percy away from Zeus she asked Artemis to let Percy come into the hunt, Artemis accepted and I became Percy's big sister. He then met Apollo and Pluto, Pluto adopted Percy, Artemis and Apollo became his siblings. He was blessed by said three gods and he became more powerful, his birth father is Neptune but he never came to see Percy. Percy then started training with everyone in the hunt and all the gods from earlier, Artemis's blessing allowed him to speak to wolves like Alpha. Yada Yada Yada, blah blah blah. And now were acting like we hate him so Zeus doesn't find out about him being aided by the hunt or Apollo."

Bianca looked permenatly shocked, "Wait...why...why...didn't you guys tell Thalia?" She stammered and Percy shook his head. It actually explained a lot, why Percy's hand steamed when he was angry, why only Nico would be alone at camp. The thought made her sad she was about to say something but Percy beat her to it,

"She's Zeus's kid, I trust her but I'm gonna give it some more time just to be safe." Bianca nodded and was about ask another question when the van door was suddenly ripped off, five golden skeleton warriors stood there with swords raised. Percy started to panic and he lunged out of the vehicle to tackle one of the warriors, he was buying his friends some much needed time to prepare. The warrior fell and Percy quickly rolled to his feet while unsheathing his knives. His friend clambered out of the car with weapons raised,

"Percy, how do we kill it?" Phoebe asked and Percy began to wrack his brain for answers as the warriors advanced.

"Give me two seconds." He ducked under a blade and attempted to stab the warrior but his blade bounced off. How do you destroy gold? He wondered as he kicked the skeleton away from him. The warrior stumbled back and Percy swept its legs out from under it, the skeleton fell and Percy examined how the fight was going. Zoe and Phoebe were battling three of the warriors and were having trouble keeping up, Bianca was struggling to hold her own and Percy realized what could destroy gold, or melt it at least. He had to use fire. If he was hot enough then maybe he could melt them, he set his body on fire. He grabbed the golden warrior and to his relief it started melting, gold slowly dripped to the ground and Percy knew he had to speed up the process. He started to think angry thoughts, Neptune calling him a thing, Artemis being held hostage by Atlas, the thought of Bianca dying, the thought of Thalia or Phoebe dying, Zoe dying. He let out a scream of outrage and the flames roared loudly and the fire grew, the warrior melted into a liquid gold pile. He grinned and turned to his friends,

"Gold can be melted! Send these bone heads to me!" Zoe rolled her eyes at his sorry attempt at a joke. Bianca's eyes widened to see Percy on fire and Phoebe cracked a smile, even in times of distress Percy always seemed to make the best of every situation. Zoe grabbed the warrior by his neck and shoved it in Percy's direction, as it was falling she tripped it and the warrior fell. Percy grabbed its face in his hands and squeezed until it melted. Bianca and Phoebe lured their skeletons to Percy who melted them as well, the energy was draining from him because he had never used his fire powers to that extent. Once there were only liquid puddles left Percy dropped to his knees in exhaustion, sweat beaded down his forehead and he took deep breaths trying to regain his composure. Zoe helped him up while Phoebe gave her sweaty brother a light hug,

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