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When Sam says the "magic words" a faded door appears in front of us. And it didn't just appear, ohhh no, there was thunder and a brush of wind that could have blown both me and Sammy far away if we didn't hold on to the trees surrounding the plaza.

The wind was so powerful! Not at all like the last time when the gate to hell opened by that prick who stabbed Sam.

Those days were weird...

The wind stopped so instantly. My body slammed again at the tree I was holding on too. I looked over Sam, same thing happened to him. But he wasn't looking back at me to see if I was okay. He was looking straight forwards.

I moved my head and looking at where he was looking. In the middle of the circle, was a black door, there was black smoke coming from the button of the black door. And right in front of it, with it's back towards us. Was a tall figure.

I stood up quickly and placed my hand on the first blade which was secure around my belt.

The figure was a male. He had black skinny jeans and a long black coat that got that reached his knees. It had white lines on the bottom right part and it spread through the right bottom part like veins. His hair was dyed blonde, you could see the roots of his natural black hair beginning to grow out...

I looked over at Sam and waved the first blade a little bit but he shook his head and looked over at the man again.

His coat was as if it has been ironed a thousand times, and he stood tall and mighty.

How did he even turn up? The wind was so powerful, I couldn't even stand on my two feet because of it, how did he even manage to do so? Sam flew away way before I did and I'm usually immune to demon power or actually any power because of this mark...

Did he do this? I took one step forward, cautiously.

The man moved hand a little bit and I stopped, I can't take any chances now.

His head moved 90 degrees to his shoulder. I stared at the look of half his face. He had lines on his face, like mark of veins and they were pitch black. It covered his temples and since his sides where shaved a little bit, you could see how the 'veins' spread across the side or his head.

I clench my teeth at the thought of that it might be Leo... though his eyes were wider than ours, he has asian background..? I don't know I can't see correctly.

I've never seen anything like that. What could that be? I looked over at Sam and he was just as stunned as I.

"Follow" he said, but his mouth didn't move at all. He talked in my head. How did he do that? How the fuck did he do that?

Sam had slowly taking a few steps towards me and gripped my shoulder, tightly.

I looked over at him and he nodded.

"I heard it too" He said. He turned his attention back at the man, so did I.

He turned his head around to face to door again. And gently let his fingers slip at the handle of the door, which was made like a snake. The second his fingers touched the door handle, the snake came to life and twirled around his hand.


It's a Growl!

The door handle is a Growl.... I've read about those in books, secret door that aren't at any cause supposed to be open has ghosts securing it. A thousand souls of the most vicious dead, places into one small handle that is supposed to keep the door unlocked... they brutally kill whoever that touches it.

That's the darkest black magic that exist... it's so powerful that it was forced to be classified as a myth because of all the people that have died trying to create it... no one can... but apparently someone did and this dude is trying to go pass it..?

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