Chapter Five

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Lightning again :D I hope so many point of view's isn't confusing. This is the last one, I swear. Just remember: Tigerpaw, Lightningpaw, Blazepaw, Silentpaw and Icepaw. Those are our protagonists.

Blaze finished the rest of this chapter! It was started by Lightning though :)

Welp Blaze did the last part. Thank you so much ;_;

(Shadow was going to write this chapter but didn't have time >.< curse school!)

After Icekit licked her lips from her tasty meal, she gave felt great from the cold frog in her belly. She got up to go tell Silentpaw that she'd finished his prey, but when she saw him talking to Redrowan, she decided not to, and instead walked around camp without much to do. As she padded along, she wondered what it was like to have a sibling to play with, until her mind floated from the thought as soon as she spotted a butterfly resting on the tip of Frozenfoot's tail.

Her own tail flicked with excitement. I wonder if he even notices, she thought. She stared at the bright-winged butterfly for several moments, before she wiggled her haunches and leaped right on to the tom's tail.

"I got it!" she yowled with excitement, feeling something under her paw.

Immediately, Frozenfoot burst up from his spot. "That's my tail you've got, Icekit!" he gasped. "What in StarClan's name are you doing?"

"Huh, where's the butterfly?" she wondered, looking around. She lifted her paw, revealing the warrior's white thin tail, and he angrily flicked it to his stomach as if to say not to bother him when he's resting.

"There is no butterfly," he scowled, laying back down. "Go play with someone else's tail, I've got sleep to catch up on."

"Sorry!" she apologized. "But I swear there was a butterfly." She waited for his response before noticing that he had already fallen back asleep. Shrugging, she looked around for her prey, wondering if it had flown off because she was just too slow to catch it. Then, she noticed it lazily flying above-head, too far for her to reach. Disappointed, she watched it, wondering if it was going to come down any time soon. When it hadn't, she scowled, and sat down by the edge of camp, nothing to do.

Icekit wished she had a sibling more than ever now. Her head pounded because she was bored, and the other two nursery kits were too young to even bother with. Secretly, she just wished she could travel outside camp and go on her own adventure, but she knew that it was against the warrior code. Just when am I gonna become an apprentice? she thought, mind drifting beyond ShadowClan. She thought of all the prey outside, and their rival Clans especially since she knew that she might have a battle one day. The thought made her excited. Maybe she should go and ask Foxstar right now?

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, join around for a Clan meeting!" called the ShadowClan leader, as if on cue with Icekit's imagination.

Curious, she padded to the gathering of her Clan, although she technically was not old enough to catch prey. What announcement's going to happen? She looked at her Clanmates to see if they had any knowledge about this, but most of them seemed as confused as her.

Then, a sudden thrill of excitement rose up her spine. She was going to be an apprentice soon! Maybe it was already time for her ceremony!

All of the cats of ShadowClan gathered around the clearing, and from the corner of her eye, she saw Redrowan and Silentpaw take two places by each other near the back of the crowd. Redrowan gave a nod to Icekit, pride flickering in her eyes, while Silentpaw kept his dark eyes up at Foxstar.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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