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Ms.Writer's Note

->->-> media

So who do you think will win,(picture in the media ) the lad or the lady??? Comment down in the comment box before reading with a @ladorlady. No cheating allowed. After doing so, go ahead and read this chapter. I hope you'll like it.If you do, add a @Epilogue after or below your comment. Have fun reading.


Third Person's POV

(The bell started ringing...[going])


'Just keep cool'-lad's thought

'...'-lad y's thought


'Keep composure'-lad 's thought

'...'-lady 's thought

'Never lose your cool'-lad 's thought

'...'-lady 's thought


Just after the emcee said begin, the young lad suddenly plunged towards the lady.He tried to punch her,kick her but it was no use. He tried to trick her but she was way too smart. He tried attacking her with dirty moves but she easily avoids it as if she was only thrown leaves.He felt annoyed at the thought that he was not taken seriously.

The Crowd cheered for the lady. The lady was like dancing in the wind, others say.

The lad used the elbow back-punch where he punches the opponent causing the opponent to avoid the attack which leads the opponent to be in front of the attacker where the back is exposed giving the attacker the opportunity to elbow his opponent at the back. But the lady sensing the next move, she dodged it by flipping backwards. He stumbled across the stage. He almost fell face flat on the floor.

The arena was filled with laughter and cheering.

This made the lad boiling in anger. I looked like a fool, he thought. He lost composition.He attacked her again using his infamous fist-slam where he slams his opponent to the ground and punches the opponent using his fist. But the lady simply moved his right foot to the right which caused the lad's attack to miss and ended up landing face first on the stage's floor.

Once again, laughter filled the arena but even louder than a while ago.

This time, he was furious. He looked like a fool and he ended up kissing the floor. He drew his gun and pointed it at the lady. He started shooting the lady in a fast speed.But the lady was way too fast that she avoided the gunshots, kicked the gun and punched the lad. The lad fell to the ground and felt dizzy and only did he realized that he's in badshot now.

This means only one thing, it was the lady's turn to attack.



Go queen you can do it




Yeah rock the stage queen

Make that dirt go home crying to his mama

HAHAHaha yeah right

Hahaha serves him right for challenging our queen




Emcee: And as always, the Queen has won by just 3 swift moves. She finishes the battle with her infamous cold and emotionless aura as a sign of yet another victory. She really is The Queen of GWAW!!!!

Long live the queen

Long live the queen

Long live the queen

Long live the queen

Long live the queen

With the crowds ranting and cheering,barely noticing the defeated young man who was hardly getting up at all, he dragged his sore and aching body and laughed devilishly that made the arena zip their mouth.

He slowly walked towards the queen,limping,reaching up towards the queen's ear. As though this action left the crowd questioning, they found it amusing that the man was able to stand up after the battle. Not mentioning that he was almost falling down on his knees towards queen. Well they also found it entertaining that the young man still has hoarded up courage to go near queen after being beaten up. This is because the opponents of queen mostly end up getting traumatized or end up getting in a hospital bed for years, which means,deep coma.

The young man bent down as though he was taller than queen and whispered. Without merely noticing, a loud and wild noise was heard upon the arena.

Stampede, there was stampede happening because of the unbelievable sight they we're seeing. Many we're severely injured and wounded. Many made it out without even a single scratch. And of course, many we're killed that moment.

But there was one thing that left GWAW( or maybe not only GWAW )confused and troubled. For this confusing and troubling matter left GWAW change forever, or so they thought.

Why, why did you abandon us, Queen ?


So that's it for Epilogue guys!!!How was it? Was it exciting or maybe thrilling? Who was the lady? Who was the lad? What do they mean by'other than GWAW'? What happened that change their life forever? Why did the queen abandon them? I know that these are some of the questions that are circling your mind. But dont worry these questions are gonna be answered soon. Sorry for the wrong typos and grammars(if...). Comment now.Well I hope it's something positive or inspirational.Vote now too. Till the next chapter, Bye!

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