Chapter 1

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Returning home is something most people do after being away for such a long time. Many people would return between 5-30 years, but what about 250? Yeah, I've been away for quite some time... but it's not like my family, my home, is going anywhere. It's been in the same spot, in the same woods for 500 years.

My parents and my brother have a hard time getting along with the people who come and go in our long... very long... lives, but I have been able to adapt to modern ways quickly. That's why I like traveling. With so much time, I was able to see how things changed, how the normal people... mortals... passed their limited time. It kind of makes me sad, but I'm not sad for them. They're the lucky ones.

When you're an immortal, life just goes on and on, continuing forever. It's good at first, but after a while you get tired. Your life just gets... plain. Uninteresting. Things become routine, and you live on a schedule, fall into a routine. Traveling and seeing the different parts of the world helped me escape this. But... Even seeing new things can get old. The thrill seems to fade after a bit.

That's why I decided to return home. Maybe it would renew the feelings of going someplace unique once I leave again. Plus, my brother has decided to come back as well. I can see him after so long... it brings a slight, almost unknown feeling of happiness... and I liked it...

My brother, being from our immortal family, went off to fight in the war. He figured why not, sine he couldn't die, right? After so many years, though, he had to fake his death at least twice... he told me the thrill of it keep some excitement in his life, but I can't feel as if it's kind of an excuse to kill. He kills them, but they don't have a chance at killing him. I think it might be his way of getting back at the world. Either way, he does well for the country. I'm glad he was able to return home with me, when I wanted him to.

So when I finally did get home, I was excited. And that was unusual. But then again, home was not as I expected it to be. My parents, they were... they were sad. Happy to see us, of course, but as all things go on forever for us, interest in life is not one of them. Life just becomes boring after a while, and no matter how many times I think that, you get tired of believing it's true. It's an endless cycle of hope and then having it fade away, to come back and have it fade away once more.

The day I returned home was good, a bit calming, but ever so stressful. That same night I ended up getting out of bed and walking, walking into the deep forest and not caring where I went. After a bit, it was as if I woke up out if a trance, and found myself in a blackened patch, in an area I wish didn't exist.

The clearing where it all started, but would never end.

I still remember that day, how it all happened. My family, my parents, brother and I, had been on a family trip. We were hiking, following a trail which has long since overgrown. My brother wandered off, and the rest of us had to look for him.

We found him in a small clearing, and by then the sun was setting. Sun light was flowing from the opening in tree's canopy, and it reflected off the silver water from a small creak that flowed nearby. The roots from a nearby tree, one that was in the center of the patch, grew out of the ground and into the creek. This tree didn't look normal, for it had bright shining leafs and bark that was such a light brown it looked tan. Either way, it was our parents' idea that it was a good spot for a picnic.

Back then people were a bit careless, so you see, when my mother saw that she had forgot to pack some of our food, we all didn't think too much before biting into the fruit of the tree. It was delicious, the best thing anyone could ever eat. Nothing happened to us, so we thought nothing had happened at all. How we were wrong.

That night when we returned home after a great day, things took a turn for the worst. A person who I did not know at the time came to our home and talked to my father. My older brother, over hearing what they said, came and told me that my parents owed money, but he wouldn't tell me what for. He left that night.

Evermore; A PewdieCry FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora