Chapter 1

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"You made that joke up?! That's seriously the best joke I've ever heard A!" exclaimed Scarlett. "I can't believe you thought of that. No, I can't believe I didn't think of that!"

"Thanks Scar. It's not really that funny.." I say as I shut my locker. We begin to slowly walk towards the doors of the school; schools out and it's time to go home. My least favorite time of day is going home..

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow A?"

"Yeah, I'll be here."

I walk out of the front doors, the cold winter breeze slamming against my face. I really wish I had a jacket.. I think to myself as I walk to my car. Slowly walking, I remember I have to get home before 3:45. I look at the time now, 3:40! That only gives me five minutes to get home when it usually takes me ten! I take off into a sprint, racing to my car to get home. Fumbling for the keys, I run into my car and fall on the ground. Not caring who saw me, I get up and unlock the door and start the engine. I barely had the door shut before I took off out of the parking lot.

"I am sooooo dead. He's going to kill me.. Literally.."

I finally make it home, 3:47. Shit! I'm two minutes late! Hopefully, he's not home yet so I won't get caught! I slam the car door and take off towards the house. Flinging the door open, I race inside. I take off upstairs to put my backpack on my chair where it needs to be. Once done, I race back downstairs to start vacuuming the living room, it has to be spotless when he gets home. I run to the closet and grab the vacuum, plugging it in. Just when the whirring starts, I hear a car door shut. He's home...

"You little bitch! Coming home late thinking it's going to be okay?! Well guess what, slut. You're WRONG! All I ask of you is to be home by 3:45 to start cleaning the house and cooking dinner. I don't know where you got in your small brain that it's okay to fuck around at school. I did NOT raise you this way, you fucking brat!"

Not a second after he finishes his sentence, his hand flies up and comes right back down, hitting me across my face forcing me to the floor. One after another, after another all hitting me in the same spot time and time again. After so many times, you get used to it.

"Oh? You think you're so tough, huh? Yeah, well how about this, you whore?!" He says right before kicking me in the ribs repeatedly. I can feel the crack of at least two ribs breaking, but I can't mutter one word or it'll be twice as bad.

Hunching over in pain, I grab my stomach. This is going to be sore for a few weeks. How will I hide this one? I'll think of an excuse later. One second later, I feel his fist against my cheek and then my head against the floor. I can immediately feel my face swelling up. I then realized, it stopped. He stopped hitting me. Not wanting him to continue, I stand up and grab the vacuum. I turn it on and continue the living room. Every time I push the vacuum away, the pain of a thousand swords stabbing into my side is present. It's excruciating, but I have to finish.

"Will you hurry the fuck up you skank? I would like my dinner sometime tonight!" Booms his voice from the kitchen. Great. He's getting a beer. It's not as bad when he's drunk, he gets a little sad because he thinks about mom.

I really wish she were here. I miss her so much.


After he downs a few bottles, he gets up and heads into the bathroom. That gets me around 30 minutes.

As soon as I hear the click of the door, I take off to my room to grab my phone.

To Scar:
Rough night. meet up at 12?

Knowing she'll say yes, I sprint back into kitchen to start making dinner.

"Why the fuck are you making so much noise?!" A voice called from the bathroom.

"Just rushing to grab the supplies for supper!" I yell back.

I quickly grab two pots from the cupboard to make spaghetti. Easy and quick to make.


After dinner, I cleared the table and hand-washed the dishes. Thankfully, he drank quite a few more beers during supper so he'll be knocked out by at least eight o'clock.

I go to my room and do a belly-flop on my bed. Grabbing my phone off of the nightstand, I notice that I have a text from Scar

To A:
Sure just dont get caught <3

~Scar is the only person who knows what goes on in my house. Actually, she only knows about half of it. She knows he hits me, just not how often or why.~

I roll over onto my back and stared at my ceiling. I better start putting makeup on to cover the bruises. It'll take me until midnight to finish!

Getting up, I head towards my bathroom to grab all of my supplies; foundations, brushes, blenders, powders, etc.

I sit down in front of my mirror and let out a half-sigh. It's gonna be a long night. I think to myself.

I've got liquid and powder foundation, BB cream, blush, bronzer, and highlighter on when my phone buzzes.

To A:
R u sure u want to sneak out 2nite?

To Scar:
Yes I need out of this house 

To A:
Ok.. I'll cover if u need

To Scar:
I'm good

I checked the time and it's already 11:30. After putting the makeup away, I take an ACE wrap out of the nightstand. I'll need it for my ribs. Wrapping it tightly around my stomach, I wince in pain. At least two broken ribs...

Out of my closet, I grab a black crop top, a red flannel, ripped blue jean skinny jeans, and my converse. To make sure my dad is out, I creep out of my room and tip-toe downstairs into the living room.

Good, he's passed out and snoring on the couch. The coast is clear! I tip-toe/run to the door. I open it quietly and head out shutting it behind me.

I take in a deep breath. Oh how I love the night air.

I head down the street and take a left towards a playground. On one of the swings, I see Scar. I run up behind her and scare her so bad she almost falls off.


"Hush! You don't want us to get caught!" I scold her.

"Right, sorry.... How bad is it?"

I shine my phone onto my stomach so she can see the wrap.

Her eyes grow wide and I can see tears forming, so I quickly take the light away.

"Arabella, you have to tell someone! This has been going on too long!"

"I can't! It'll be much worse than this if I do. Believe me I know..." I look away trying not to bring back bad memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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