Chapter 17: Camping With Rhinos (part 1)✔️✔️

Começar do início

Danny grabbed my forearm before pulling me into the janitor's closet next to the room.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, as did Danny's. Danny pulled his out and tilted the screen to show me.

'Anomaly alert! Where are you? - Connor.'

We shared a look before Danny motioned for my to carry on with this.

Reaching into my utility belt, I grabbed my screwdriver and headed straight to the back of the room. I pulled the screws out of the vent cover at the back, before pulling the cover away. Danny stood watch, making sure nobody saw our impromptu dive into the closet. With the vent cover removed, we could clearly hear everything that was happening in the interrogation. I motioned Danny over as I tuned into the conversation.

"For the last time, tell me your name..." Christine's demand was met with silence. "When my officers found you, they tell me you tried to run. Why?..."

She was met with more silence.

"Who are you? Who are you working for?" Christine lost all false-niceness in her tone as she stared at the woman. "How did you come to be there? Do you know who the boy is?"

"What boy?" The woman finally spoke.

"The boy we found in the exact same area, only 2 months ago." Christine narrowed her eyes at the woman, however the woman just seemed confused.

"I don't know of anyone else."

"Really?" Christine spoke sarcastically. "He's very tall, very pale, very wide and very handsome. Hard to miss.... And considering he was found in the same room as you..."

The woman shook her head, seeming genuinely confused, but decided to remain silent.

"Let me explain something to you: you're not leaving until I get some answers. Since the boy isn't talking, it's up to you. So... Unless you really like it here, I suggest you start yapping."

The woman cringed as she looked at Christine.

"Tell. Me."

"Everyone's dead, what difference does it make who I am?" The woman spoke slowly as she stared at the table in front of her.

"You mean in the future?"

The woman nodded once, slowly.

"You know what happened?" Christine tilted her head.

"The predators." The woman whispered. "They destroyed everything."

"And where did the predators come from?"

"I don't know, I wish I did." The woman spat.

Christine looked at her for a moment, before turning and grabbing something from a clear bag behind her. With her back facing us, she took it out of the bag before spinning and slamming the object on the table the woman sat at.

The object was a rectangular shape, mechanical at the bottom and glass at the top.

"Tell me what this is." Christine demanded.

The woman merely stared at the object on the table.

"I found it in the ruins but I have no idea what is it. I think it may be broken-"

"Your lying." Christine slammed her hands on the table, either side of the object. "What do you know about anomalies?"

"Anomalies?" The woman's voice held interest as her gaze snapped to Christine.

"Go on..." Christine raised her eyebrow.

"Anomalies are... Rips... In time." The woman's tone became uncertain and her gaze kept flickering to the object. "Some you can see, others are invisible to the naked eye... They're everywhere. You just have to know how to find them."

Primeval's Twist (A Primeval/Captain Becker Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora