Chapter 11: Birdy Escape (part 1)✔️✔️

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I don't own any of primeval, it's plot or characters unfortunately. However, Katherina and her family are mine. All credit and rights go to impossible pictures.

Super long chapters, I should have split it into 3 not 2 but I'd rather not be mean so there you go: ENJOY.


Katherina's POV:

I pulled up in front of The ARC in my second baby, Connor in the passenger seat. The whole team had seen my 2008 Ronn Scorpion before, but I had never let any of them ride in it. Considering this is Connor's second time, after leaving the ARC last night, he's still completely and utterly amazed.

"What does this do?" He asked as he clicked the button to open the boot automatically.

"Connor what part of don't touch is unclear to you?" I growled at him, as I began to get out to close the boot.

"Sorry." He muttered.

I started to bend out of the car, before a thought came to me.

"Connor? If I ever find your socks in the bread maker again," he smiled slightly. "I will make Lester fire you."

I tuned at the back of the car to close my boot, yet froze and screamed at the sight in front of me.


He jumped at his name and ran out the car to see what was wrong.

I pointed in the boot as he stood next to me. We both stared at the Diictodon (which wasn't Diddle) as he chewed paper in my boot.

"Oh hello!" He cooed to Sid.

"These papers were of extreme importance! Classified!" I felt my anger rise.

"Probably going to shred them anyway then." Connor reasoned.

I had spoken to my father about Kiyo. It turns out he never gave up looking and instead researched the anomaly my brother must have come through. Those were the papers which he managed to collect on the issue.

"I'm not sure this is working Connor." I choked.

I closed the boot and headed into The ARC, ignoring his protests.

Last night he offered to cook dinner for my brother, father and I. The first time, he attempted spaghetti and nearly burned the kitchen down. If Roberto hadn't had wondered into the kitchen for a beer, he probably would have. Then, he begged for a second chance which my father suggested we give him. My father, despite his large and intimidating looks, is a sweetheart who believes in things like second chances no matter the situation. For that reason, while Connor cooked us near-raw macaroni cheese, my father and he bonded. Dad even ate the 'food' Connor served, out of manners, while Roberto and I sat there glaring at Connor.

"Please don't tell me you and he are in a relationship." Roberto had begged.

I protested immediately whilst ordering a meat feast, extra-large pizza for Roberto and I.

Then, I found Connor's dirty underwear dumped in the bathroom, as well as his socks in the bread maker. 'It'll keep them warm' he said. My bloody father even agreed. It's safe to say he likes Connor. They sat eating the breakfast Roberto had cooked, while discussing the psychological effects on the behaviour of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.

Not ideal breakfast conversation.

Then there's this with Sid... Why isn't he as obedient as my Diddle?

*sigh* we'll never know.

I don't know how much I longer I can live with this, it's a mystery how Abby does it in all honesty.

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